SDS2074-FG ... is approx the price of a keysight DSOX2002A ... hmmm ... i thought SDS-2xxx price ranges are to combat rigols? no?
Keysight DSOX2002A is 2 channel model. with 0.1M acquire memory (or optional 1M)
SDS2074 is four channel having max 14M acquire memory for all channels simultaneously. or max 28M for 2 channel ssimultaneously and it can do 2GSa/s for two channels simultaneously..
Keysight can save up to 250 segments and around up to 50k segments/s speed. It is option.
Siglent can save up to 80000 segments and up to over 400k segments/s speed. It is standard, not option.
Keysight can do mask test up to 50k waveforms/s speed, This is option.
Siglent can do mask test up to 110k waveforms/s speed. This is standard
If look Rigol 1000Z or 2000 these can do slowly some mask tests in one second? (Siglent have hardware based full speed mask test so of course it is like from different world)
If talk about these features speed, Siglent can run around this Keysight when it walk. If look Rigol mask test (DS1000Z, DS2000) it can fly to moon when Rigol is still thinking to wake up.
So, what is price and what are user needs and so on. If I need quite fast segmented acquire or if I need fast mask test - what we then compare. This named Keysight or some low end Rigol? If look some other features/functions, what we then compare?
Yes, I have also Rigol. Rigol 1074Z model because its some features together with its price pass for my some specified needs - with these special needs this brand and model was right solution evet that it is 250MSa/s with 4 channels).
For some other needs Siglent pass (and is much more expensive).
It need compare these features what user need and related to these needs look prices.
It is not so simple to compare......