Is an X-Ray machine useful for electronics or is it just a geek toy?
There is no simple answer as much depends upon the electronic engineer’s needs and experience.
Is X-Ray safe to use?
Yes and No...... Yes if used correctly, no if misused. There is NO 'safe' dose of X-Ray radiation. Exposure to ionizing radiation should kept as low as possible and below the agreed safety thresholds for users of such equipment. Ionizing radiation can cause cell deformities, radiation burns and potentially cancer.
Still interested? Then read on for more on this topic......
1. What can an X-Ray machine offer the engineer? In short, the ability to see the unseen.
An X-Ray machine of suitable power effectively makes solid objects transparent so that the user may see what resides within the DUT. Typical cases in electronics would be nondestructive visibility of hidden case screws and clips, hidden components within potting compound, internal parts within sealed modules and copper tracks within multi-layer PCB's or under IC's. In industry X-Ray is also used to inspect the quality of solder balls under BGA devices. This requires high magnification however. The only limitation on seeing through opaque objects with X-Ray is the power of the beam used as that and the imaged material density determines the penetration depth.
2. What types of X-Ray equipment are available to the public?
X-Ray is ionizing radiation that can cause harm to life, be it human or other. As such there are definite rules to be followed when using X-Ray producing equipment, even at low tube drive voltages. For this reason some thought is needed with regard to what X-Ray equipment is best used by the everyday user rather than a licenced industrial operator.
a) Open site medical X-Ray and suspect package inspection equipment.
Open site X-Ray can be dangerous as it requires the operator to ensure that no one, including themselves, is in the X-Ray beam or subject to high levels of reflected X-Ray energy. There is typically no physical containment of the area between the X-Ray generator, the DUT and the imaging system. As such it is possible for irradiation to occur if used incorrectly. There are significant legal implications if a person believes that they were irradiated by the user of the equipment. Examples of this type of equipment are: Dental X-Ray heads, Golden X-Ray inspection X-Ray generators and LIXI Scope medical triage X-Ray used for fast limb damage assessments.
b) Controlled space X-Ray equipment.
A classic example of a controlled space X-Ray is a Hospital X-Ray facility where health and safety measures are built in to the room design and protective screens are present for the operator. Such facilities may still contain exposed X-Ray generators but their activation occurs at a safe distance and targeting is carefully monitored throughout the imaging process. The processes and controls make such equipment safer to use than open site X-Ray. To a degree, dental X-Ray may be similar but the Generator heads can be free floating for flexibility of use. This is where the risk of unintentional irradiation lies.
c) Cabinet X-Ray equipment
Cabinet X-Ray equipment is likely to be the safest of the available X-Ray imaging options as the controlled space is reduced to the area directly around the Generator, DUT and imaging system. Provided the cabinet is not damaged there is no reason for X-Ray to escape its confines and so the risk of irradiation is minimal. Cabinet systems often do not require the operator to be licenced or X-Ray dose monitored. This is in recognition of their intrinsic safety. Common cabinet type X-Ray equipment’s are X-Ray Mail scanners and medical biopsy/research X-Ray equipment. A semi cabinet equipment known to most of us is the conveyor belt baggage scanners found at airports etc. These are still intrinsically safe when used correctly but a fool may still irradiate parts of their body that are passed into the 'tunnel' whilst the X-Ray Generator is activated. This makes it less safe than a full cabinet design but process mitigates the risk adequately.
d) Home built X-Ray equipment
Home built X-Ray generators have the potential to be lethal and very unsafe for the user. Before considering building an X-Ray Generator or such equipment, the wise DIY enthusiast ensures that they are in possession of adequate safety knowledge and design principles. The risks are not just in containment of the emitted X-Ray but also the high voltages and currents associated with common X-Ray tubes. Death or serious injury can result from a poorly built X-Ray Generator. Not a DIY project that I can recommend for the beginner entering into the world of X-Ray imaging. The builder must build a safe EHT power supply, contain and cool the X-Ray tube, Shape the X-Ray beam, control the output power and screen the user from X-Ray, both on beam and reflected.
3. Are there different types of X-Ray?
Yes there are two major types of X-Ray energy. Soft and Hard. Soft X-Ray is produced at low anode voltages such as 10KV. The X-Ray beam has very low penetration capability and that may make people think it safer than Hard X-Ray. This is not the case however. Remember there is no 'safe' dose of ionizing radiation. Soft X-Ray is stopped as it passes through human or animal tissues. It is totally absorbed by the tissues cells with potential damaging effects on them. Soft X-Ray is not great for imaging even low density DUT's and is often filtered out using an Aluminium plate in Medical X-Ray equipment. It provides no image enhancement yet increases the patients X-Ray dose significantly. Do not think of soft X-Ray as 'Safe' even at lower levels of power. Hard X-Ray is produced at higher anode voltages of say 25kV and above. The anode of large medical X-Ray equipment’s often uses anode voltages of more than 120kV. Hard X-Ray tends to punch through human tissue with less potential harm to the cells than soft X-Ray. Hard X-Ray provides the images that we know and love at airport security etc. It punches through many different densities of DUT depending upon the Anode voltage that is being used.
4. What specifications are important when looking for an X-Ray machine?
Much will depend upon your intended uses for the unit but here are some comments:
a) Open, controlled space or cabinet solution. I recommend a cabinet solution for reasons of intrinsic safety and often no need for X-ray dosimeter monitoring by your national radiological service.
b) X-Ray Tube types. There are different X-Ray tube types for different applications. There needs and performance differs. Conventional X-Ray rubes operate at high anode voltages and the target has a relatively large spot size. Such tubes are not great doe high resolution imaging. Micro-focus tubes normally operate at lower anode voltages of less than 100KV and so beam penetration is often inferior to that of conventional X-Ray tubes. More KV = more penetration. They have a very small target spot size which provides excellent high resolution imaging. To protect the target Micro-focus tubes may have low operating currents. Do not be tempted to increase the current above the manufacturer’s specification. Damage will result. Like many things in life there can be a choice between brute force with deep penetration and precision directed energy with less penetration. The choice is often dependent upon the user’s needs. In the case of a baggage X-Ray machine, high resolution comes second to penetration capability to see through various dense materials such as metal cans etc. A biopsy medical X-Ray needs a more delicate touch with lower need for penetration but great need for image resolution and clarity. This is why a biopsy X-Ray runs a Micro-focus tube and high resolution diode array camera.
5. What penetration can be expected of conventional and Micro-focus X-Ray tubes?
Penetration is very dependent upon the DUT material density, KeV of the X-Ray beam and the sensitivity of the imaging system behind the DUT. as a very rough idea of what to expect. A conventional >120KV X-Ray generator can provide good penetration in many metals such as aluminium, steel, copper, brass etc. Higher KV is needs for higher density materials. Micro-focus tubes run at <100KV and this limits their penetration capability. Do not expect good penetration in steel or brass. Penetration in less dense metals such as aluminium and copper is good. Baggage X-Ray machines with image enhancement fitted can image through 25mm of steel! A 35KV Micro-focus cannot image through 2mm of steel. Very much horses for courses.
6. What X-Ray imaging systems exist and which is best for the hobbyist user?
Conventional X-Ray imaging uses X-Ray sensitive fil that is sandwiched between scintillator plates in a cassette of varying sizes. The Film reacts to X-Ray exposure and the scintillator plates produce visible light that enhances the image produced. High resolution images use just the X-Ray sensitive film as the result is a crisper image. The problem with the film type imaging is the need to develop it much like conventional film. Not very hobbyist friendly. A scintillator plate behaves like the film in that it produces an image but is exists only whilst the X-Ray is present on its surface. Polaroid used to produce film cassettes that contained a scintillator plats that illuminated a monochrome instant film. The exposed film was processed in the same way as conventional Polaroid instant film. Such a system was simple but expensive to use. Now pretty much obsolete. New technologies have developed. Scintillator plates are still in use but they are now viewed by optical cameras and high resolution diode array detectors. The digital age has come to X-Ray imaging. A digital cassette is now used that contains the imaging array and all electronics to store the array output. A dedicated machine then downloads the data from the cassette for processing. Such a system is very expensive and not normally suitable for the hobbyist. I recommend using a scintillator plate with digital camera or diode array imaging technique. It offers many benefits to the hobbyist. Even a Digital SLR on a slow shutter can produce images from a scintillator plate. Scintillator plates may be purchased on ebay or medical X-Ray film cassettes may be purchased and the two scintillator plates removed from them.
7. What did I buy and from where?
I have regular access to an industrial X-Ray machine. Sadly I will lose access to such equipment when I take early retirement in February 2015. I wanted to find a basic X-Ray imaging system that would allow me to see concealed screws and clips in equipment cases, components concealed in potting and also PCB tracks inside PCB's. I do a lot of PCB reverse engineering and multi-layer PCB's have always been a challenge. I also fancy doing some artistic X-Ray work..... Ever seen an insect or flower in the X-Ray image domain? It can be interesting to play with such if the equipment is capable of high resolution images.
I decided that a compromise solution that might just be adequate for my needs was a Todd Research or similar X-Ray mail scanner. The resolution is lacking but penetration is pretty good. The common use of a relatively low resolution optical camera viewing a scintillator plate limits performance. The higher levels of X-Ray that these machines produce does have an issue for many users..... The equipment makes use of much lead shielding and so they are VERY heavy to transport and move around the lab. Definitely not portable equipment.
By chance whilst on ebay I stumbled upon a medical X-Ray cabinet solution that is designed for Biopsy and even electronics imaging. The unit is called a Faxitron MX-20 and utilizes a 50KV micro-focus X-Ray tube and a sensitive diode array digital camera that drives a dedicated imaging card in a PC running Windows 2000 Pro. The tube is only run at a maximum of 35KV which does limit penetration but the high resolution imaging and digital image capture capability won me over. Penetration is not always the most important specification. An added benefit of the MX-20 is that it is intrinsically safe to use and its low KV on the Tube Anode reduced the need for screening. The MX-20 needs only a twin skin steel case to contain the ionizing radiation. No lead shielding means that it is relatively light at 70Kg. The MX-20 comes in two major versions. Conventional film/digital cassette and high resolution digital camera array. Sub versions of the Digital camera equipped unit provide different diode array sizes to suit the intended task and cost constraints of the customer. I purchased two Faxitron MX-20 units, one is without the digital imaging capability and the other is equipped with the full Monty 2048 x 2048 pixel 100mm x 100mm high resolution diode array camera. Both units use the identical X-Ray generator that forms the top 4 inches of the cabinet and is removable. If the digital MX-20 suffers a tube or EHT failure I will just transplant the other unit’s top section onto the digital cabinet. I should have a decent X-Ray capability for many years to come.
Another owner of an MX-20 (Digital) was without the required PC and interface card. He decided to reverse engineer the unit in an attempt to extract imaging from the camera. He has a web page showing some internal images of the MX-20 that I hope you will find interesting. will not repeat the images here as the web pages are an interesting read. The Faxitron is a lovely piece of kit that is well suited to X-Ray imaging of microelectronics but it does not have the penetration to image through steel screening cans.
So is an X-Ray machine a necessity in the modern electronics lab or workshop or just a Geek toy? In my opinion it is neither. For those with a need for seeing inside sealed or potted items, it can be invaluable. Reverse engineering is also assisted by such technology as hidden traces become clearly visible. Is it a toy.... no, definitely not a toy as it has safety implications and is not very geeky toy like anyway. As Mike has said in communications over these units.... they are a nice to have rather than a necessity. I agree but recommend that if, like me, you stumble upon a suitable system, you consider buying it.
For information my Faxitron MX-20 cabinet is a 2005 unit that is still around in many bio labs around the world. It cost $22,000 for the cabinet and an extra $25,000 for the digital camera imaging option (inc computer, interface and software). paid GBP250 for the standard film MX-20 and GBP1000 for the Digital Camera equipped MX-20 unit that included all hardware, P4 3GHz ASUS computer, interface, software and LCD 17" monitor. Not an insignificant sum, but well worth the investment for me in my electronic activities.
I shall upload some images in due course and will be happy to answer questions on X-Ray technology.