Products > Thermal Imaging

Dumb Question about FLIR HS324 Commander

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For anyone wanting the FLIR Avalon utility and associated firmware update…. Sadly the file set is being identified as malicious code so I can not upload it to Google drive anymore. There appears to be some code in the Avalon utility that Virus checkers are identifying as malicious. My files came direct from FLIR so likely a false positive.

A different file repository (BOX) is being tried.



This file repository is working.

Thank you so much Fraser I got it but windows security identified it as a virus so shut it off and downloaded again and it worked saved it to every flash drive so I wont lose it. Is the tau reset folder and files needed for my flir HS-307 or just the avalon app? Will investigate and get back to you got my fingers crossed but I doubt this all will work on windows 11 so am getting ready to build a vm with windows 7 32 bit to install the driver and use the app thanks again will get back to you with my results. :clap:

Thanks again Fraser I got avalon and tau configurator up and running fine on my win 11 pro 64 bit pc ok but the driver is still missing so neither program is detecting the camera. In which folder is the driver supposed to be? The links in the reset instruction's dont work anymore it says the driver is in the installation disc. If the driver is in the Tau or avalon installer could it be it was not installed in my system because of compatibility issues? Like maybe it should be using a win 7 or xp 32 bit machine? The MntPnt folder in the swUpdate folder was empty was that where the driver should be? Thanks for the help and feedback.

The USB driver should be installed as part of the Avalon utility installation. There is no discrete USB driver file on the original CD (I have it and checked) I suspect the driver is not compatible with the modern Windows versions. I think Win XP or Win 7 should work though. I used Win XP without problems.

There is a document with the Avalon files that details how the installation should progress.


Got it thanks friend! ;D


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