Does the 16-bit radiometric video work on E4? Or was that only on the E40 and up? I recall your posts about the .seq file, but IIRC that was on your E40. But if there is some way to get 16-bit radiometric video on the E4 that would be really neat!
ok, I tested all known variants
FlirTools+ can connect the
E40 as
video or signal (signal = RAW 16 bit)
see pull-down menu on screenshot

there is an corresponding E40 resources key
.caps.config.uvcstreaming: (2)
r---r--------- 0 root root <b> enabled true
r---r--------- 0 root root <b> radiometric16 true
FlirTools+ can connect the
E4 only as video (a live view)
see screenshot

but you can write with a remote command a (short) E4 raw video stream
first check current status
\>rls -r -l .image.services.rtrecord.
.image.services.rtrecord: (6)
rw--rw------1- 0 root root <a> action "RECORD"
rw--rw------1- 0 root root <b> active false
rw--rw------1- 0 root root <i> count 16
[2, 1000]
rw--rw-------- 1 root root <a> filename "\Temp\default.seq"
rw--rw------1- 0 root root <d> frequency 10
[0.01, 60]
rw--rw------1- 0 root root <b> store false
now let's go on:
//set file name
rset .image.services.rtrecord.filename \FlashIFS\001.seq
//activate recording to memmory
rset .image.services.rtrecord.active true
//wait a moment while rcording
//now save video to flash
rset .image.services.rtrecord.store true
connect E4 as USB Drive and open the RAW video file 001.seq with Flir Tools+ and you can play the
E4 RAW video
more informations about the RAW video file (
out of memory)
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/flir-e4-thermal-imaging-camera-teardown/msg363898/#msg363898how to decode the RAW video with with Exiftool (without FlirTools+)
split the E4 raw video with this perl script in single frames (see link above)
undef $/;
$_ = <>;
$n = 100;
# FLIR camera E40
# Flir Tools (comment out)
#$pat = "\x46\x46\x46\x00\x43\x41\x50";
for $content (split(/(?=$pat)/)) {
open(OUT, ">seq" . ++$n . ".fff");
binmode OUT;
print OUT $content;
we get the 16 frames from our settings
\>rls -r -l .image.services.rtrecord.count
rw--rw------1- 0 root root <i> count 16
[2, 1000]
exiftool list the real frame rate of the E4
>exiftool -datetime* seq*.fff
======== seq101.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:49.808+00:00
======== seq102.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:50.358+00:00
======== seq103.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:50.858+00:00
======== seq104.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:51.190+00:00
======== seq105.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:51.591+00:00
======== seq106.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:51.974+00:00
======== seq107.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:52.375+00:00
======== seq108.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:52.757+00:00
======== seq109.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:53.157+00:00
======== seq110.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:53.558+00:00
======== seq111.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:53.957+00:00
======== seq112.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:54.441+00:00
======== seq113.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:54.842+00:00
======== seq114.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:55.224+00:00
======== seq115.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:55.641+00:00
======== seq116.fff
Date/Time Original : 2014:01:28 19:17:56.125+00:00
16 image files read
result: 2,38 frames/secondsee this tutorial for converting the .fff frames in colored images
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/flir-e4-thermal-imaging-camera-teardown/msg342072/#msg342072exiftool can read the *.fff frames
>exiftool seq101.fff
ExifTool Version Number : 9.47
Raw Thermal Image Width : 320
Raw Thermal Image Height : 240
Raw Thermal Image Type : TIFF
Raw Thermal Image : (Binary data 153804 bytes, use -b option to extract)
convert frames with
ffmpeg in a coloured video