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Thus, it is logical to assume that if the 30hz/60hz hack is ever discovered, or has been already, that information will not be shared publicly.
I thought ITAR only covered export regulations, and not users tinkering with their devices?
I just bought an E4 from Grainger yesterday and the firmware was still 1.19.8.
\FlashFS\tmp\prod.log2013xxxxxxxx 8 Preparation:Image frequency 30
Quote from: jasonc on January 29, 2014, 04:51:52 pmI just bought an E4 from Grainger yesterday and the firmware was still 1.19.8.What serial number range was yours? I ordered one in the ending around 12100, the company I ordered it from yesterday said they just got them in yesterday too. They said they didn't know the firmware version so maybe I can get a little hope from yours.
Just for everyone who is looking for the recording function with FLIR TOOLS+, I checked with FLIR and got below reply:Recording is not possible using an E4. FLIR Tools can only display the live image from this camera model. You would need an E40 or higher to enable the recording feature.
Look for FLIR IR Camera Player, a free download from FLIR. Latest version v2.33 and it will record video from an E4/E8+.
someone posted here an image how to save the usb port with two drill bitsI use a rubber band
Looking for some guidance. Followed the directions. After selecting run FIF within FLIRInsallNet an error dialog box popped up stating "Flir Cronos Communication" with the option to retry, abort, or ignore. I chose to ignore and had the following script;...Upon unpluging usb, removing the battery and replace it doesn't look like any changes took effect. Any input or guidance would be greatly appreciated
> rls -r -l caps.configrw--r--------- 0 root root <e> image r---r---r----- 0 root root <a> name "app E4 1.1 + app E8 1.0"rw--r--------- 0 root root <e> ui
In which case I will just post the executive summary for people with a non-working hack:- Start FlirInstallNet- Do "Get resource" for "app E4 1.0": hack didn't apply. Recheck your CRC01. Still a problem ==> - "app E4 1.0 + app E8 1.0": hack did apply, so things should work. - "app E8 1.0 + app E4 1.0": hack did apply, wrong order. Check the filename for your config. It should alphabetically come after the original config file name.
What serial number range was yours? I ordered one in the ending around 12100, the company I ordered it from yesterday said they just got them in yesterday too. They said they didn't know the firmware version so maybe I can get a little hope from yours.