Just a small bump for anybody looking how to dissect NK.bin files - look here:
http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/NK.BIN_toolsetViewBin... v1.18.7-NK.binImage
Start = 0x80100000, length = 0x00A53D54 Start address = 0x80101000
Checking record #190 for potential TOC (ROMOFFSET = 0xFFEE478C)
Checking record #200 for potential TOC (ROMOFFSET = 0x00000000)
NOTICE! Record 200 looked like a TOC except DLL first = 0x4001C001, and DLL last = 0x4063C07B
ViewBin... v1.21.0-NK.binImage
Start = 0x80100000, length = 0x00A871B0 Start address = 0x80101000
Checking record #195 for potential TOC (ROMOFFSET = 0xFFEB9350)
Checking record #206 for potential TOC (ROMOFFSET = 0x00000000)
NOTICE! Record 206 looked like a TOC except DLL first = 0x4001C001, and DLL last = 0x4063C07C
next stage - extract nb0:
cvrtbin -r -a 0x80100000 -w 32 -l 0x00A53D54 v1.18.7-NK.bin (in own directory (OLD)!)
cvrtbin -r -a 0x80100000 -w 32 -l 0x00A871B0 v1.21.0-NK.bin (in own directory (NEW)!)
# Memo: no warnings should be visible, otherwise offset error likely!
mkdir OLD\dump
mkdir NEW\dump
OLD>dumprom.exe -d dump -v -5 v1.nb0
NEW>dumprom.exe -d dump -v -5 v1.nb0

applauncher.exe is the file containing the new CRC functions (CRC04 CRC03 CRC02 CRC01 CRC00 CRC32) and some debug-messages:
VerifyHash - [CRC error] : done
VerifyHash - [CRC OK] : done
VerifyHash -[CRC%d] : not accepted
# %19s %x
VerifyHash - [CRC not trusted] : done
%S [size]
%S [CRC]
# doCRC %s %u %u
# doCRC
verifyCRC - cannot open %s
Bad Argument(s)! Use "applauncher" for help.
and some additional blocks relating to integrity checking on startup and FAILING if check not passed:APPLAUNCHER: Refuses to run launch specification file. Aborting!
FAD call fails:%d hndl:%d err:%d
No integrity check necessary
Integrity: %d