OK! First off, just signed up after watching this forum (this thread in particular) for quite some time now! Id like to add my 2 and a half cents to the mix. Id like to thank all the brilliant minds here who have created the "patch" for the e4. I never would have bought one if it wasn't for their hard work, the spoils of which i have enjoyed very much, again, thanks guys!!!!! Now i feel obligated to put a bit of calm to the panic. Apologies if you gents arent getting the same vibe that i am at the moment. Now quite a few people feel that there are sensitive issues at play here. That is surely not the case, i will try to get to most of them and i will do my best not to strike any nerves... In regard to the issue of FLIR being "taken" by those of us who are enjoying the extra features enabled by this "patch", If FLIR was paying close attention..... what they really aught to do is add more complex features to the higher line cameras and let the good community "have this one" on good faith. Afterall, i dont think anyone here can rightfully say they haven't learned something here. Besides, if you buy a brand new Chevy does the manufacturer get upset if you paint it a new color? Do they get upset if you rip out the motor and put in one that performs better? More appropriate.... Do the manufacturers get upset when you upgrade the ram, hard disk, graphics card, operating system, on your computer?? No, they don't! This is exactly the case here, users of the hardware have merely found a way to "unlock included hardware features." If the good people at FLIR didn't want or intend this to happen, i say "oops!" Do you think the folks at the Chevy dealership will void their manufacturers warranty if you have a new paint color, different set of rims and tires, and a new stereo? I think not! FLIR should probably at this point call it a wash because there have been "ABSOLUTELY NO LAWS BROKEN HERE!!!" International law states that it is the manufacturers position to provide a product that can not be used for harmful or destructive purposes, i highly doubt any of the cameras in the e series could be used for such unless you used one to hit yourself on the head. Even then, they are actually made pretty soft and comfortable!!
Lets look at the sales facts for a second shall we!
1000 dollar camera upgraded to a 6000 dollar camera purchased by someone who can afford 1000 = no loss to FLIR
1000 dollar camera sold on ebay for "eeehhh mayyyy beee too much" = No loss to FLIR
1000 dollar camera sold by FLIR for 1000 = no loss to FLIR
1000 dollar camera sold by FLIR without the patch = no loss to FLIR
6000 dollar camera sold by FLIR that people wouldn't normally buy or be able to afford = no real loss to FLIR taking into account sales to business that would normally not care about the price (right off!! = freebie)
We should remember that these aren't available at your local wal mart, all of these cameras come from FLIR distributers, there is no money being lost here, only gained. With that said, its ALL LEGAL fellas!!! Now if someone is advertising a FLIR e4 as an e8, yes that's a problem. If it is advertised as what it actually is.... buyer makes the choice.
Having laid out my position on the matter i look forward to the rest of the ee's and the like here keeping up the good work!!
Cheers to all of us!!
Another interpretation is that it is stealing. They didn't want you to have it, and you took it anyway.
FLIR may not make much money on the E4, it could be a loss leader, more likely, the margin is small enough that they aren't a very viable business without the higher end sales. Hacking efforts devalue their higher end units no matter what you say or think about it.
Would I hack one of these? Sure I would? But I'm a bad person. At least I can admit I am stealing, cheating, and committing an immoral act that is harming others. Maybe not illegal, but definitely wrong. Rationalizing the hack is stupid and a waste of peoples time. Explaining how FLIR should WANT to be violated in this way is simply embarrassing.
You can flame me and argue all you want, but if you can't tell me that these actions make the employees of FLIR feel good and happy about these efforts then you are doing harm to those employees, harming the business, and probably getting some poor engineers fired or at least in a lot of trouble.
Lucky for me I'm a bad person and a hypocrite!
Now, let's see 1.22 fully cracked open!!!