Hi, newbie here, so before I STFU & RTFM, please let me give two first impressions / questions:
- great tool (and gadget), even more thanks to the guys providing the hacking possibilities! My firmware was 1.18.8, asked the supplier explicitly to not send above 1.19.8 (they still have enough in store, for those interested, in NL). I tried the hack and it worked right away, even though the first post in this forum states the hack only works with 1.19.x (did I run a risk there?

). I wonder if it is worthwhile and possible to upgrade to 1.19.8 (or even higher), also regarding the hack possibilities that should obviously remain.
- the only thing that kind of negatively struck me is the readings below zero degrees Celsius. In the evening it was about -2 dC, definitely not colder. See the photo stating the house should be around -12 dC. At least 10 dC from the true temp although, perhaps even 15. E=0.95, if this is important. I noticed more posts about this issue in the forum and will look if there are options to improve (although for me it's not a major issue). I wondered, is this issue present in E4 or (only) in hacked E4's? Hopefully not the latter. I only measured after hacking.
Thanks & have a good day.