I live by the principle "don't feed the trolls". Maybe others should too.
Back to the main reason why I'm posting here:
After about three hours of fiddling around and still not getting it to work I am slowly going nuts. Maybe someone can help me or can point me to the obvious mistake I'm doing over and over again.
I am trying to set the parameter "
.image.services.store.quality" to "
Jpeg compression level:
.image.services.store.quality 85
How would one go permanently changing this to 100? (I am never going to have 500 images on this thing so they may as well look as good as they can)
Enable RNDIS and telnet to it ( Then do:
rset .image.services.store.quality 100
This works fine, but is only temporary of course. So I'm trying to make that permanent.
At first I tried to make my own
quality.rsc and move it to
\FlashFS\system :
# Created at 2014-11-25 16:07:00 by stefbeer
.image entry
.image.services entry
.image.services.store entry
.image.services.store.quality int32 100
# CRC32 dd781eef
After a reboot the value still was at 85.
I thougt maybe the file doesen't get parsed because it's a new file. So I inserted the line into
\FlashFS\system\default.rsc , re-calculated the CRC32, rebooted and failed again.
Then I tried a different approach and tried it as
described here, but still no success.
So I moved my file
quality.rsc over to
\FlashFS\system\appcore.d\factory.d. (As you may notice, I don't really know where the file really belongs.) And, you already guessed it: nothing changed. I am slowly starting to get desperate.
After parsing through every text file on the system I noticed something in my
e8.cfg (The one from the hack, of course) :
.caps.config.image.services entry
.caps.config.image.services.store entry
.caps.config.image.services.store.enabled bool true
.caps.config.image.services.store.radiometric entry
.caps.config.image.services.store.radiometric.enabled bool true
.caps.config.image.services.store.incompatible entry
.caps.config.image.services.store.incompatible.enabled bool false
.caps.config.image.services.store.incompatible.level int32 0
Looks like just the place for my parameter. So I added the line:
.caps.config.image.services.store.quality int32 100
I re-calculated the CRC01 of course, uploaded it via FTP and did a reboot. My hopes were so high but I failed yet again. Nothing changed, the parameter still is at 85. (But the resolution still was at 320x240 and the MSX still worked, which means the new
e8.cfg has to be valid.) I only got a headace and the tiniest bit frustrated.
Oh and I'm still on firmware version 1.19.8.
Any kind of help is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!