Which firmware suggest the Flir tools updater for the old E4 with a FW 1.19 (the first version with a plain text config file and simple crc01 checksum)?
What is happened by a firmware update from a old un-crypted 1.19 to current firmware?
Persists the old plain text config file with simple CRC01 check?
If yes, why we cant simple hack the current FW with an old plain text CRC01 config file?
Are there additional entries in EEPROM of newer cameras ?
Hi Tomas -
the FLIR Updater suggests the currently latest Version 2.3.0 for a 1.19.8 camera (been there, done that). The update procedure itself ends with an error (though I forgot what it actually says). After the update, the firmware of the camera is reported as "2.3.0*", whatever the asterisk means... All the config files stay unencrypted and the "simple" hack for the 1.19.8 still works. Yet, the menu extension won't since FLIR seems to have removed some of the functions from appcore and facet.rcc doesn't contain all the required modules anymore. I was able to assemble a "special" facet.rcc with the help of some of this forum's members that will return most of the menu extensions of the old hack, but the manual temperature range adjustment was one of the functions that wouldn't work. Also most of the extended web configuration menu items would only report something like "This function is not supported".
Examinations and comparisons between the camera backup and OEM update packages showed that the updater replaces the operating system and most files in FlashBFS. Some config files stay untouched as well as the defect management (obviously). CRC01 check for the config files is kept.
With a "home-brewn" 1.19.8 update package (which apparently doesn't exist publicly available from FLIR), I was able to revert my camera back to 1.19.8 with the updater once again terminating at 96% with an error message. After the "downgrade" the camera reported a software configuration ">0.1.1"

or something like this. To finally get this sorted, I had to manually replace the two files in \flashBFS\system\kits.d\ "appkit.rev" and "prodkit.rev" with the ones from my old backup.
There must be some additional software layer (or maybe even hardware coding) that reports to appcore what config file format it should expect and that renders an old software configuration inoperational. This could be the bootloader which was the only file where the version number didn't change throughout this "journey". Yet, I failed to locate the bootloader, maybe it's residing in a hidden partition of the flash memory? Maybe if we would be able to locate and access the bootloader, we could up/downgrade the camera as we like.
About the EEPROM structure and if it was changed on generic 2.x.y cameras I haven't got any information. All that I can tell is that on my camera, the EEPROM access password stayed "1235" even after the update.
Maybe this information is some food for thoughts regarding a possible "downgrade" of later camera versions.