good luck...
... but I don't think, that
all the old "restree.setResourceValue" commands from web GUI works on the current firmware
sample restree.setResourceValue( "prod.preparation.command", "restartHighRes" );
#start HighRes Modus
>rset prod.preparation.command restartHighRes
as attachment the relevant files from firmware flir_ex_pn639_v1.18.7_update_pack(size limit is 1MB, rename to zip)
ah I see, that the current fw of E40 Late 2013 v4.9.0 has no service menu 
you can simple read the html files of the old FW and make the same steps on the shell (setResourceValue = rset)
search for activating the service mode in Web GUI (file name HighRes.asp = full resolution
$ cd flir_exx_pn490_v2.23.14_update_pack/E2comb_v2.23.14.fif/FlashFS/system/web
$ grep -i -r highres *
service/Diag/HighRes.asp: restree.setResourceValue( "prod.preparation.command", "restartHighRes" );
service/inc/ menuRow("Activate Service Mode", "/service/Diag/HighRes.asp", "submenu1", selectedMenu == "mnuDiagResolution");
service/index.asp: <FORM ACTION=diag\HighRes.asp METHOD="POST">
we get
restree.setResourceValue( "prod.preparation.command", "restartHighRes" );
and this is the same command on the shell
#start HighRes Modus
>rset prod.preparation.command restartHighRes
for inspirations:
as attachment all resource values set by service menu
>grep -r -i "restree.setResourceValue" * > setResourceValue.txt
there are nice commands like
web/service/ImgCorr/PixKill.asp: restree.setResourceValue( "ui.userSettings.overlayLogo", false );
is equal to
rset .ui.userSettings.overlayLogo false