Hi, the whole day I tried to upgrade my E4 to resolution E8...now I am becoming crazy...

E4 was bought 12/2013, in 10/2014 FW-Update from 1.19 FW to FW 2.3, "conf.cfg" size 6.297kb not 6.608kb, this may be the reason why v0.3/0.4.zip dosen´t work. V0.3/.04 generates backup folder with "common_dll.dll", no file "conf.cfg", in the python27 folder the "common_dll.dll" was created (same size as the original, perhaps it is not changed) and the "conf.cfg", size 0kb(?)
Access via FTP( seams to be easy via pressing the right side of central button (menue camerainformation) for 12 sec to enter usb-menue, changing selection to RNDIS. I have access to folders FlashBFS and FlashFS, I am able to copy, rename and erase files on E4...
python 2.7 stops running with error 550 (see attachment). I tried, I believe, nearly everthing discribed in threads, start reading page 350-407...using older tools/versions, entring CRC01 checksum and and and...
Now I have no more Ideas.

Has somebody additional ideas/hints?
Thanks i.a. reifill