I'm new on this forum.
Many thanks for yours really great work!!!

I hack my E4 / 2.3 without any problem.
I did it all under Win 7 x64 without any problem. I noticed, that service "FLIR Systems Camera Monitor" must running. But sometimes it's not active and it can cause problems with connecting to the camera via network.
If you need manual temp scale it is possible that way:
download this - 2.3.0_Menu_4.zip
and add in - preset_centerspot.rsc
line - .ui.userSettings.scaleInteractive bool true
after or before - .ui.userSettings.hideGraphics bool false
then you can set scale to "lock" and after changing "measurement" from "no" to "center spot"
up down left right moving temperatures
I tried upgrade my E4 / 2.3 to unit with manual temperature scale, but something is not clear for my.
I upgraded menu to version 4. But when I edit "preset_centerspot.rsc" there is no ".ui.userSettings.hideGraphics" line...
it look like:
# Generated at 2012-12-18 14:21:06
# ID
.image entry
.image.sysimgInstances entry
.image.sysimgInstances.main entry
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs entry
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs.activeGlobal bool false
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs.spot entry
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs.spot.1 index
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs.spot.1.active bool true
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs.spot.1.x int32 160
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs.spot.1.y int32 120
.image.sysimgInstances.main.measureFuncs.spot.1.parMask int32 128
# CRC32 1928c3b8