What program are you using?
TotalCommander and FileZilla
Is the camera booting normally?
Yes, it is booting normally.
While I played with some files, I messed something and was not able to use flir/3vlig.
Fortunately, you can use the anonymous user - do not enter any user name/password. Not sure what permissions it has, but I just checked and you can download/upload files to the file system. I was also able to backup the camera files. I used the anonymous user to correct my mistake and the camera booted normally after that.
I don't see any update of the 2.11 package on Flir's site (last one is from 21 Jan 2016), so flir/3vlig should be working if the camera is booting normally.
Oh, thank you very much, I'll try it.
Update: Yes, yes! It's working

Anonymous user is working.
But I can't understand, why it all happened?
PS. Also I tried to use Windows 8.1 64bit and 10 64bit to hack the camera, but there is something wrong with flir_device_drivers, because camera couldn't obtain right IP, always 169.254.x.x. Even if I manual write down IP I can't connect to it.
I've read that some people could access camera in Windows (8.1 and 10) 64bit but I could not understand how they do it.