Can you try to re-flash the firmware from a Windows machine ?
I'm assuming you're not in the USA, right ? There are no export / import regulations for the FLIR E4, that's why FLIR limited it to 9fps, so they can avoid the regulations. The E40 (60fps) has export regulations.
FLIR will cover a firmware upgrade issue under warranty( I only paid shipping to their center for a failed firmware upgrade ). The turn-around time was less than 1 week.
Hi Signal32, thanks for the tip. Unfortunately it didn't work, however been in the situtation I was I gathered different tips from this same thread and managed to get it working. My camera started with the flir logo and dissolved to black, but could connect to it with filezilla.
This is the step by step:
TIC: Flir E5 - Last working firmware 2.3

While trying to update to 2.11 with flir tools on Mac.
Computer to fix: Win 10 x64
1.- With flirinstallnet run RNDIS temporary.
2.- Dissable all network connections and set the IP of the flir ethernet adapter to subnet mask
3.- Unrar the 2.3 official .fif to see the contents, specially the FlashBFS folder
4.- Connect with filezilla (anoymous worked, with user and pass didn't).
5.- Load the complete FlashBFS on to the camera.
6.- Disconnect and hard reset it.
7.- Power on - Came on and actually started the firmware upgrade.
I don't have a clue why did it work... And this weren't my ideas, I was just desperate to test anything.
I now must hack it to set it free...

Thanks everyone for the ideas and replies.