With regard to deletion of this thread....... would Dave do that ? He supports that Wiki Leaks chap doesn't he ? Freedom of speech and all that.
But seriously, the cat is well and tuly out of the bag, and FLIR know it. I suspect meetings have already taken place to decide what, if any, action will be taken

Sometimes less action is best in such cases, as it avoids negative publicity and FLIR will know that suppression of Mike's discoveries would be nigh on impossible. Sadly what is likely to happen is a change in firmware to block the 'hack' as that is cost effective and limits the damage to only the initial production batch.
The PR fallout for FLIR will revolve around the proven fact that they are using a 'full fat' 320x240 pixel FPA in their budget E4 camera. It will be apparent to all that the E8 is massively over priced as the hardware costs will be similar, if not the same. Historically I have had the view that the major cost in a TIC is the FPA and Gemanium lens. This E4 revelation tends to change that view as the 320x240 FPA and lens is obviously cheap enough to place in a lowly 80x60 spec camera.....if it were an expensive part due to resolution, such action would make no financial sense, and an 80x60 or 160x120 FPA would have been used instead.
The E4 in its 'hacked' state would make a very capable TIC for experimentation and consumer grade work. I do not see professionals in industry using hacked units though so the E8 will still sell to its target market. This is very much like the Rigol DSO hack, and I suspect it will play out in much the same way. One big diffrence with the Rigol was that it was using overclocked parts to achieve its spec, the FLIR is effectively using overspecified parts which is the inverse !
For me, as a TIC geek, this is a facinating develpment. I only wish I had the software skill-set that has been displayed here by Mike and the other members on ths 'Hack the E4' team. RESPECT to you all