I have noted comment on the number of dead pixels in a particular micro-bolometer.
Before anyone gets overexcited about dead pixels, please consider that the detector is not a common CCD and is prone to dead pixels. It goes with the territory, especially when working on a low budget. The threshold for a FLIR provided micro-bolometer for ANY consumer grade camera is 99.9% operational pixels. Some cheaper grades of micro-bolometer are 99.8% operational.
The maths says:
320x240 = 76800 pixels
99.9% = 76800 * 0.1% = 76.80 dead pixels
99.8% = 76800 * 0.2% = 153.60 dead pixels
It is my belief that the micro-bolometer fitted in the Ex series is one of the cheaper 99.8% operational sensors. Note the operational percentage applies to a model of sensor and not 'binning' within a model of sensor production. 99.8% is a perfectly respectable micro-bolometer and that is why a thermal camera has dead pixel processing. Even my $50,000 thermal camera has dead pixels. For newbies the term dead pixel may appear scary , but please consider this normal for the technology, the price point of the camera, and the amazing value for money when compared to cameras like my PM695.
I note comments regarding the quality of the lens used in the Ex series. Again I must point out that the thermal imaging industry normally uses very expensive Germanium lenses that cost more than the retail price of the complete E4 ! Efforts were made to reduce the cost for consumer cameras. The need for a huge depth of fields and fixed focus lead to a small aperture simple 'reverse telescope' lens system. The material from which the lens is made is not pure Germanium, it is Chalcogenide Glass. This material has made moulded lenses possible with a substantial reduction is manufacturing costs. It is comparable in performance to a Germanium lens but not equal. The choice made by FLIR was to provide a decent, if not perfect, Chalcogenide Glass lens as opposed to a large Germanium lens as fitted to the Exx series. That as part of the cost reduction process. If you want a quality 30mm Germanium multi element focussed lens system, expect to pay around $2000 to $5000 for just the lenses, depending on quality.
For newbies to thermal imaging, remember the purpose of the product and consider the true resolution of the system. The resolution is that of a common cheap low end web cam, and not that of a DSLR. An amazing quality lens structure is NOT required, hence the common use of simple single or limited element count lens structures, even in the industrial cameras. These things are not designed to produce 'artistic' images with zero barrel distortion etc
Sadly, if anyone wants really high quality micro-bolometers and lenses guaranteed, they will need to open their cheque book and expect to pay the going rate, which last time I bought such a camera was GBP35000 ($52500). That was two years ago. When this is considered, I think many will agree that $1000 for a 320x240 camera with a less than perfect micro-bolometer and lens is still quite a bargain.
Newbies to thermal imaging.....Enjoy your cameras and stop worrying about dead pixels and lens perfection
To those who are investigating such issues, I know that this is for your own enjoyment and interest and I enjoy reading your posts. I just don't want newbies thinking that your excellent findings mean the E4 is cr*p as it most definitely is not, especially when in E8+ guise

Having the manual span mode has been a godsend in my recent use of the camera. Thanks to all that have worked to improve on the base configuration and released the cameras full potential.