OK, I am about to show my ignorance of this platforms configuration so please be gentle with me.
If I am presented with two similar (near identical) embedded computers, one 'protected' from change, one not, I would look at a complete firmware and OS transplant to overcome the protection systems in the firmware. Now this would not be simple if there were calibration settings and CRC's in play but it would be a start.
In a perfect world the approch would be:
1. Take a complete firmware and OS image from an unprotected E4 (data donor)
2. Overwrite the protected firmware and OS on a protected E4 with the unprotected E4 image.
3. Change all the CRC's to match the protected cameras serial number or clone the serial number from the donor unprotected E4 camera.
4. Deteremine where the Calibration data is held in the E4 and transplant the correct calibration data from the protected E4 firmware/OS into the newly installed unprotected firmware/OS.
5. Correct the CRC in the file that contains the calibration data.
6. Enjoy a previously protected camera that is running an unprotected image

Life is rarely this simple though and I expect challenges with CRC's hidden in files structures and also likley countermeasures in the new Version 1.1L hardware to prevent such an attack vector.
The approach would also be very much 'open case' and requiring IC programming tools.
No harm in blue sky thinking though