I just want to let you know that I finally managed to return my (acidentally "updated" 2.3.0) 1.1HW camera back to its original 1.19.8 SW configuration with all the resolution/menu hack and web server service functions running.

To get this done, I used the backup of the original camera (...good to have kept this...) and an OEM 1.18.7 update package and constructed my own 1.19.8 update package. After some "tweaking" of the files, the update went through right to 96% but then terminated with an error (silent flag something...). Anyway, at this point the camera was fully operational and the only fact that indicated that there was a problem with the update was that the software configuration was reported as " >0.1.1". To finally get this sorted, I had to manually replace the two files in \flashBFS\system\kits.d\ "appkit.rev" and "prodkit.rev" with the ones from my old backup. Even though they were part of the patched 1.19.8 "update package", apparently they were not replaced during the "update" process.
Well, that's a quick description of how an acidentally updated camera could be reverted back to its original configuration even if there isn't a suitable OEM package available. If someone needs more detailed information on this, please let me know.
This method will not work on a factory-shipped higher SW version camera, e.g. 2.3.0. The bootloader or other fuctions buried "deeper" in the camera system will not be compatible with the earlier firmware. Any attempt to "downgrade" such a camera as described above will "brick" it!
Thanks a lot to all who posted the information and hints to finally enable me to get this done.