In order not to mix all the messages together, I will write a separate message. I prepared a file - conf.cfc using the conf.cfg file from the video and the method of updating the camera with firmware 3. 16 I also found such a file in the camera backup, it had a completely different structure there, and at the end of the file there was neither a serial number nor a checksum, and the beginning of the file was also completely different. Someone seriously worked on this camera in the past
\FlashFS\system\service\appcore.d\config.d\conf.cfg - path in camera backup
.caps entry
.caps.config entry text "app prodconvconf_std"
.caps.config.revision text "999.9KaKaOnly"
.caps.config.system.focus.laser entry
.caps.config.system.focus.laser.updateFocus entry
.caps.config.system.focus.laser.updateFocus.enabled bool true
Actually, the question is, can I also try to upload this prepared file to the camera? What to do with common_dll.dll? Or is this file not needed, the original?
P.S. Yes, this is a working option, and I restored the camera with a resolution of 320 * 240, on firmware 2.3. Now there is no point in returning the camera.