But the reflective temperature always displays 20 degrees F, the relative humidity is always 50% and the atmospheric temp is always 68 degrees F no matter what.
No such problem here. But you may want to wait for the next patch.
So it seems as if, at least, another user has the same problem. Is there anyway to fix it so it works correctly? Do I need to undo the hack, and start over? Any ideas? Who would the next patch come from? This forum or FLIR?
All settings stuff is in
ambTemp 293.14999 (20 C)
atmTemp 293.14999 (20 C)
emissivity 0.94999999 (e0.95)
objectDistance 2 (2m)
relHum 0.5 (50%)
(other settings there is for external lens)
If I change them from my "2.3.0 menu 2014" they will be saved and seen in image info too
and on report pdf too. Ext optics settings are moving too from menu.
But the same info is there and this is not affected: