How to find out, if my E30 49001-1801 is physically missing it's wlan/bluetooth modul?
As far as I understood from other postings the absence of the hw component "slbwver" is the indicator that something is missing.
In my service menu I can see that instead of any Part #, revision # and Serial # there is only an asterisk "*" in the slbwver row.
But... in the EEPROM Menu you can actually set these components manually so the absence of the slbwver data is not enough proof for me that this component is physically absent.
In theory it might be just not enabled. (Yeah I know, whishful thinking, but the hope dies last ;-) )
Edit: In the Power-On Test Log a related interesting entry shows up: "slbwver rev *, serial * detected"
Has anybody played around with these settings yet?