This may have already been covered, so sorry if it has.
When upgrading my E40 I had a set of configuration files provided by a fellow forum member, complete with my unique CRC01 entries (he kindly calculated them for me before sending the files) I chose not to use the files as I wanted to do the upgrade process from scratch in order to talk another forum member through the exact process.
I used the original E60 file capture as the source of the configuration files I used. I ended up with a hassle free upgrade to standard E60 spec. All good so far

Last night I decided to try the files provide by my fellow forum member as they had more functions enabled in the menu's. Whilst the change to the enhanced menu configuration appeared to go well, I did notice a weird problem. At this point I should say that the menu configuration files appeared to have everything enabled and there were even two additional line entries. The camera appeared to behave normally and even included the useless MSX selection menu option !
Now the problem. I saved images and the camera seemed to carry out the IR and VIS save just fine with the small thumbnail image briefly appearing at the top of the screen. I did notice a flash of noise across the screen when initially pressing the save trigger though. After multiple saves I did get one Save Error warning.
Upon using the playback button I could see that whilst my image files existed, only the visible images were present. The IR imagescontained only the Overlay and cross hair data, no image data. Weird ! All were the same. This only happened after installing the 'fully loaded' configuration files.
I am thinking that it is possible to enable too many features for the MK1 camera hardware to cope with ? I know that this firmware resides in more capable camera models and the functions that have been enabled in the fully loaded configuration files are intended for those more powerful platforms. They may work, but their presence could be causing issues with the Exx series camera ?
Has anyone experience of this issue ?
I have re-installed my original vanilla E60 configuration files for now and normal operation is restored. Images save just fine. I have to change the target noise generator setting to zero though. It is currently set to 40mK.
I will be selecting only certain useful additional menu features in my own custom configuration files and hopefully the image save issue will not be triggered by them.
I should state that the camera worked perfectly in every other respect when the image save issue was present. Thank goodness it is so easy to change out the configuration files
