I hope I'm posting this in the correct thread as I was unable to find a general Exx thread.
I'm working on a "ful-hack" as we swedes call it, an ugly but working solution to a problem.
It removes Flir logo and set jpg quality to 100% after coldboot automagically.
This ful-hack is designed for Exx v1.0 and v1.1 (P/N:490xx) with firmware 2.23.14 or earlier.
The only way found to do this that I had found previously was to boot camera, connect via telenet and manually input the commands, EVERY time cold-booting the imager.
Noticed that it was possible for us with a Exx v1.0 and v1.1 to edit the applaunch files and finding that out, made it possible to launch a batch file located on the root of the SD card.
This made it possible to get the camera to cold-boot, and load the commands to remove logo and set jpg quality, without an external computer.
It's also possible to exchange the batch file on the SD card after the imager has finished running the commands in it, so no need to FTP stuff to it to change the commands either.
Please note that these are "beta" files, they have worked every single time on my imager, but I do not know how they act on other individuals, but you can open the files yourself in notepad and inspect them, they do not contain any commands that should damage the camera.
Also, if you decide you dont want to run the batch file for the time being, you dont need to edit the applaunch, just rename or remove the batch file from SD card, and applaunch will just fail to start it without any issues following.
Warning: Do NOT do this if you got a Exx v2.0 P/N:645xx (with MSX), and dont hold me responsible if you mess things up please
Installation:* Connect via RNDIS and FTP to camera, make a backup of your own applaunch file in FlashFS/system/ and replace the applaunch file attached (Or just add the following command at the end of your own applaunch file: "cmd /C \StorageCard\boot_inject.cmd"
* Place the "boot_inject.cmd" file in the root of your SD card.
* Done!
Now simply cold-boot the imager by either removing the battery or holding the power button for ~15 sec, and then start it again.
You will notice that the keypad start flashing after ~30-40 seconds, this is to show a confirmation that the batch file has loaded and is running as it should.
Future update?Are there any other rset commands you folks usually use on your imager that you wish could be launched every single time you coldboot your Exx?
I'm willing to try more things, but the logo and jpg quality is so far the ones I've managed to find most useful.