Hack time

Regarding this file:
I was missing these lines:
.caps.config.image.framegrab entry
.caps.config.image.framegrab.visual entry
.caps.config.image.framegrab.visual.enabled bool true
.caps.config.image.settings.resVIS int32 1600
from Fraser conf.cfg
I modified only the last one, bringing the numer to 3200
.caps.config.image.settings.resVIS int32 3200
because my default conf.cfg was
.caps.config.image.settings.resIR int32 160
.caps.config.image.settings.resVIS int32 1600
so with the caps.config.image.settings.resIR upgrade to 320, I did the same proportional thing to .caps.config.image.settings.resVIS .
I also left this to default:
.caps.config.revision text "1.1"
and did not change to Fraser one:
.caps.config.revision text "0.10"
because maybe those missing lines are somehow interpreted in the v1.1 config, it should be just a text so just cosmetic I hope.
for this puppy:
I used the
Fraser one as reference but I didn't touched the caps.config.revision text and left the value "1.1" there
same story with
Finally I did change the
with the following:
because I paid for a E60 not a smelly E30B.
Just thinking about the "E30" ID. I seem to recall the entry in the kit list DOES set what is seen in the cameras information page. As stated, this is just cosmetic and makes no difference to the cameras operation.
Yes, I can confirm this.
Here the result...


after with range 0 to 350 C

after with range -20 to 120 C

Much less noise in this range, expected? I think yes.
Please also notice I upgraded the digital camera...


now it's bed time... will continue to play tomorrow.
No I can't go sleep I need to check the radio board...
WIFI is there! So in 2 units E30 PN 49001-1801 with serial number 4902XXXX, we have the radio board there. I can also confirm the
slbwver info in the service menu theory about WIFI.
ah... I will never sleep tonight... regarding the second T range, it's interesting... here what i got:


funny I can select now the range 200 to 1200 C

I am pretty sure it is not calibrated but

We just need to service it and calibrate it...

Here the calibration protocol on the service menu:
Camera type : FLIR E30 Product code : 49001-1801
Serial : 4902XXXX Manuf. date : 2012-XX-XX
Det. serial : S054XXXX SW version : 3.0.18
Calib version : org
Lense(s): Serial:
FOL18 -
FOL10 -
FOL30 -
FOL18, -20C - 120C
R: 15457.7
B: 1407.40
F: 1.00
J0: 5862.0
J1: 89.93
AdErr: 0.00946
Locks: F
Adaptation result:
Calibrated 2012-01-11 in Stockholm by KaKa2.
FOL18, 0C - 350C
R: 16315.1
B: 1415.70
F: 1.25
J0: 7786.0
J1: 10.58
AdErr: 0.06750
Locks: F
Adaptation result:
Calibrated 2012-01-11 in Stockholm by KaKa2.
FOL18, 200C - 1200C
I went back to 2 ranges and disabled the 200 to 1200 C, because the camera in this range was not working properly. it was just showing >80C all the time but the infrared image was there