Products > Thermal Imaging

Flir i60 Firmware Update

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im trying to update the firmware on an old i60 with V1.21 installed, as it does have a lot of annoying bugs (ie camera hangs when trying to save an image with "Area Maximum" measurement active) and i hope there will be some improvements (and some refreshing, new bugs instead of the year-old ones i have now).
I tried V 2.19.1 (which fails with a checksum error), according to Flir FAQ im supposed to install 2.17.1 first, which also fails, this time with the attached message. I did triple-check the integrity of the file on the SD card, which is okay.
Any ideas?
Flir told us that camera is "long out of support" and we should buy a new one. Actually thats the same they told us when we wanted new battery packs, so i had to make them myself already.

Are there any other versions of the firmware available? Perhaps try that first?

Failing that, I have a backup of the files from my i50 which I upgraded to an i60, so they may be of use. I cannot remember what version of firmware it was however.

Couldnt find much related to the ixx series, at least no other fw version anywhere.
It would be good if there was some kind of changelog to see if it would actually fix some of the bugs i have...

I dont know why some companies known for really expensive products like Flir ot Tek have so bad customer support. They could afford it for sure.


I've located my full backup I made of my old i50. You can download it all here:

Perhaps replacing some of the files may help stabilise the camera, but please be aware this could brick your camera and that I cannot be held responsible!


--- Quote from: robert_ on January 29, 2016, 05:49:02 pm ---Hi,
im trying to update the firmware on an old i60 with V1.21 installed, as it does have a lot of annoying bugs (ie camera hangs when trying to save an image with "Area Maximum" measurement active) and i hope there will be some improvements (and some refreshing, new bugs instead of the year-old ones i have now).
I tried V 2.19.1 (which fails with a checksum error), according to Flir FAQ im supposed to install 2.17.1 first, which also fails, this time with the attached message. I did triple-check the integrity of the file on the SD card, which is okay.
Any ideas?
Flir told us that camera is "long out of support" and we should buy a new one. Actually thats the same they told us when we wanted new battery packs, so i had to make them myself already.

--- End quote ---

Any luck?


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