Products > Thermal Imaging
Flir scout ii 640 firmware
I have a Flir Scout ii 640 with firmware rev. 3.49.16, I get last version of Flir Scout ii LS-X LS-XR OceanScout EUTool and the last firmware for Scout iii, is safe apply the update ti my Flir Scout ii 640.
no, the last FW not works on Scout II 640.
Iam seek for an older Firmware for the Scout II 640.
Can you help me in this case.
I have load the cam with the wrong Firmware |O.
Thank you very much
Best regards
stefan hauter
I just now found this page on flir that can help you.
Here you can dl the correct firmware for your Scout.
Best Regards
G. Varelli
Rob Staples:
Warning!! I have a scout iii and used the Flir user tool . I connected to my scout, the software read my unit’s data and I had the correct version to upload. When I executed the transfer, the process failed, and the unit is dead. ( it was working fine…. I should not have tried an update) I sent it to FLIR for them to update, and they said there is nothing they can do because it is out of support. They suggested buy a replacement. I am waiting for the return.
I suggest caution in using their update process.
I have worked with FLIR concerning thermal imaging systems for three decades and find this news shocking. What on earth has gone wrong at FLIR ? They never used to be so unhelpful. Could it be that this is policy coming out of the Teledyne purchase of FLIR I wonder ? I knew that the low end consumer products support was separate to that of the Industrial cameras I used so we could be witnessing a lower quality of support from that ‘new’ consumer product support team.
If I were you, I would not accept that response from FLIR CS and would want to escalate the matter with FLIR management. I was provided with excellent support by Bill who was a VP at FLIR. Nothing was too much trouble and he arranged fir a complete FLIR Scout casing to be sent to me free of charge. He also sought out some Circa 2001 obsolete software for me !….. “Service as it should be”. Time to start researching the current management at FLIR and see who might be a good person to contact. They normally have direct feedback email addresses. If you fail to find someone, raise a call with FLIR CS asking for the contact details of a manager with whom you can discuss a product support complaint.
Good luck
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