I know a lot here dont use the or toy with the autoliv OEM ones
, but i figured I'd share this
https://www.flir.com/products/pathfindir-ii/?vertical=automotive&segment=oem( End Of Life notice in documents link on their page )
This is a sad day, since there is so few of these types of camaras, and I highly suspect it ain't that easy to slap any old core in a car grill and weatherproof it,
I talked about my experience here
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/thermal-imaging/thermal-camera-for-car/And since then. ... not much of anything has changed ,
Well, there are less companies, the Pathfindir's original competition, guide infrared looks dead on the auto front
Speedier and NightRider Io are now going to be more prominent
Seek Thermal STILL, hasn't come out with their solution years later despite the heavy marketing, oddly
I Do see InfiRay / Iray has some a few entries into this market
?appears??? to still be in it with theirs and their heads up display
...and I'm STILL waiting for ADASKY to come out with an entry, since they seem really far ahead in tech in these
As for my own PathfindIR, it serves me well Still
... only issue, the same one I mentioned before, software adjusts the span the wrong way when droplets area on the lens and the image gets dark, while I can counter this perfectly with my other Thermals ( handhelds )which let me adjust span, etc.
But the other 95% of the time? This thing is
indispensable . I see SO many deer, bicyclists, people in all black on the road walking at night, past elevated trucks with high beams aiming at my winshield head on, thru. smoke from controlled burns and forest fires, wild hogs, cops in the far distance on the road parked with hot engines, . ..
The pedestrian and animal detection / recognition works better than i expected, though only maybe 500 - 1500 feet, compared to just seeing heat of critters/people a half a mile away in general well before it triggers, but it is 320x240, after all
And I'm in Florida, with the frequent rains and all.... and it's still something ( automotive Thermal in General )100% of cars should have, hornbeams can't compete at all
Nor can the night vision setups of friends and family who have near-infrared auto night vision setups, I've seen their screens and thermal murders them in capability badly. I will always now acquire thermal vision for any car I own
So, it's a sad day, we have one less option now.
They've made the videos private, but ADASKY had showed their thermals defeating rain with ease, so I hope they eventually release something with that capability, but here is hoping automotive thermals stay a thing in general. And NOT just another sensor for driverless cars to use without the human ever seeing any of the superhuman vision the cameras give- that 's a waste