Products > Thermal Imaging
Flir T620 problem ( the camera sees the ghosts)
I have a problem with FLIR P620 camera. When turned on, the camcorder turns on. The picture hangs. I see shadows lika picture in pictue (but both are thermal).
Where can I fix this, I'm in Germany from Berlin. I do not want to send it to FLIR because they are very dear. I found one service in Poland in Wroclaw that is 350km from me. Their repair page: . Czy w Niemczech znacie jaki? serwis? Jak nie to zawioz? go do tej firmy.
Pictures of the image produced please
Do you hear the 'clunk' of the FFC shutter after switch on ?
Repair centres for thermal cameras are a rarity.
The owner of the web site you referenced really needs to change his/her pictures. Showing a repair bench with a valuable thermal camera surrounded by 'junk' is not a good idea. Thermal cameras should be repaired in a relatively clean area and there should be order on the bench while doing so. The pictures tell me that this person is a hobbyist (clutter, multi-test station and pocket TV as monitor) but that is not an issue if they have experience and know what they are doing. I suggest you discuss your camera with them and establish whether they are confident in being able to repair it.
I personally do not like working on the P series cameras. They can be real pigs !
As an untidy hobbyist myself, I agree with Fraser about the test bench. Everything is also right on the edge, just waiting to be knocked off when the cat jumps up.
I believe some of the better thermal cameras have their cases filled with dry nitrogen or other inert gas and can deteriorate if this is not replaced correctly. Fine if you are a hobbyist and accept the risks. I speak from experience, having had condensation inside a 'sealed' camera that someone had been inside.
Yes some military cameras are fully sealed and pressurised with dry Nitrogen gas. I have a few myself.
The Standard modern FLIR industrial cameras are not hermetically sealed so not filled with Nitrogen gas. Some exterior rated cameras are sealed and filled with Nitrogen gas to prevent condensation issues. Earlier scanning type thermal images sometimes encased their scanning mirrors in a sealed module that was either at a soft dry vacuum, or were filled with Nitrogen gas. My Agema 880 is such a unit so I would not open its optical block without good reason.
--- Quote from: SWAGGYD on October 09, 2017, 11:19:40 pm ---Hello
I have a problem with FLIR P620 camera. When turned on, the camcorder turns on. The picture hangs. I see shadows lika picture in pictue (but both are thermal).
Where can I fix this, I'm in Germany from Berlin. I do not want to send it to FLIR because they are very dear. I found one service in Poland in Wroclaw that is 350km from me. Their repair page: . Czy w Niemczech znacie jaki? serwis? Jak nie to zawioz? go do tej firmy.
--- End quote ---
For clarity, could you confirm whether you are talking about a P620 or a T620 (as per post title). Regardless, I have seen this fault before: the FFC shutter is stuck or malfunctioning. You can confirm this by logging into the service page of the camera and performing a diagnostic. I would try this first just to confirm the issue. Unfortunately the camera that I had this fault with, had to go back to FLIR - I didn't have the parts available to me to carry out the repair myself.
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