Products > Thermal Imaging

Freeware Software for Thermal Analysis: Thermovision_JoeC

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Update 11.06.19
Actual Version is
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-----------------First Post----------------------------------
I will release the first version of my "ThermoVision_JoeC".
This project is based on my Thermoviewer Project:
The Target of this Software is providing a alternative to other Analysis Software from the Manufactures of Thermal Cameras.
Since the implementation of the "Seek Thermal" Camera, it's more like a vision Software and to void any trademark problems it contains my signature as Name.
There changed something since the Thermoviewer... the Temperature Unit can be set (°C,°K,°F), the Language can be changed (actual only German and English. English is preset for this release).
And a panel system was implant, so each Block can be placed individual.
There was some *.bat files for the possible command line parameters, to startup with Seek or reset panels.

Seek Thermal Camera
The Core was found here:
The Use is simple... click on the right side Tab: Devices->Device: Seek Thermal
And hit the button "Connect". If the driver is installed and the Seek to USB connected, the button should change to green and the Camera should stream the live image.
There were some Settings for the Camera:
The most of them should be known...Autorange, AVR (Average), Median, Reference (Frame)...

* the Level and Span was values to calculate the Temperature. This was the coarse values for my camera(s) and for C°.
Maybe it’s a good idea to view at 2 Objects, one <10°C the other >80°C. If you know the exact temperature of the objects, you can change the values Level and Span until you reach the same Min and Max values as the objects have
* the "0° Landscape" was a combobox for the rotation of the Seek.
 Possible settings are:0° Landscape, 180° Landscape, 90° Portrait, 270° Portrait
* if the "visual image from WebcamA" was checked and a Webcam was enabled (Device: WebcamA), every image from the Webcam replace the internal Visual image. If you has your seek together with a normal Webcam, you can store Thermal and visual image in one file (like FLIR images).
* if "quick info at shutter" was checked, you get a small note label in the upper left corner.
* If also "quick info before shutter" was checked, you get a small note label in the upper left corner, 1 second before the shutter closes (the Program notes internal the time between the Shutters and calculate the time to the next).
At last there is a nice Function to see the Quality of your Camera sensor.
The button "Show DeathPixelMap" generates a "Seek_DeathPixelMap.png" Image.
There is the calculated DeathPixelMap displayed and some extra info:
White Pixel = Usable (good)
Black Pixel = Defect
Red Pixel = unusable blank Pixel
Total: xx (number of Total Pixels...156*206)
OK: xx (number of usable Pixels)
Bad: xx (number of not usable Pixels)
NoPat: xx (number of Bad Pixels, which not are pattern Pixel)

The NoPat Value shows the quality of your Seek Camera. A perfect seek has here 0.
I attach my yet collected maps... there was Values from 124 to 4975.

FLIR Ex (Exx, ix, C2, maybe more...)
As the Thermoviewer before, this Program could grab a full thermal Frame, if the Camera was connected as RNDIS (better RNDIS_UVC) over USB.
Than there was 2 Funtions:
Init Grab: setup some start values.
Grab IR: read the Min and Max Values (from Scale or better, from mBox), store the Sequence, download and read it
if everything work like expected, it should be like:

* Set your camera Resolution at the "Settings"
* connect your camera with "Telnet"
* chose mBox if your camera can use this measurement (E4+ can)
* hit "init Grab" and wait a little bit... if mBox is selected you have to see a fullscreen mBox on your camera display
* hit "Grab IR" to read a frame, after 4 Seconds (for E4+), the frame should be draw to the screen
* for each next frame just hit "Grab IR"For a better view of your possible capture, you can enable the WebcamB (needs RNDIS_UVC mode, see Attachments).
Previously I tried this with a C2 (at 80x60) and without Webcam with a i3 (at 120x120). But I haven’t this cameras anymore, so I can confirm, that they still work. But they should... maybe some other FLIR Cameras too. But not the old Cameras like E45 and E25.
If you can connect with "Telnet" and can trigger the Shutter with the "Terminal" and the Command "nuc" (just hit <ENTER> in the box), then a frame Grab should work too.

FLIR Ex Images
The Program can read Images stored by the FLIR Ex Cameras, but not without extra tools yet.
You need to copy 2 executables in the "bin" folder:
bin/convert.exe  from here:
bin/exiftool.exe from here:

After that, switch the file drop Target:
Menu: File -> Combobox: "Drop -> FLIR *.jpg"
Then you just can drag&drop your images.

It was a massive restructuring since the Thermoviewer, I hope I found all issues.  :-/O

The Video function is inactive at the moment, I work on that.
Also I plan implanting a better Histogram, maybe as own panel window.
And if I read right, maybe the FLIR ONE could implant later too:

If you have suggestions or found errors, let me know.
For screenshots just double click on "Screen" on the bottom left corner.
And maybe... sorry for bad English  8)

Some Information for those Users, who don’t know the Thermoviewer before:
-With middle Mouseclick on Image you place a Measurement Spot
-If the mouse pointer over a measurement object (Spot,Line,Box) it goes from gray to blue (focused)
-double click a m-object do select it in the "MeasGrid", there additional settings
-you can move the m-objects with holding mouse down and drag (color goes from blue to green)
-for m-Line you move with left mouse button too, but with the middle you only move the endpoint
-the m-Box can change the size wile drag the bottom or right corner (mouse cursor arrows change, and the color is yellow)
-in the menubar (right to "New:") you can enable the new m-object placement with the mouse (cancel with <ESCAPE>)
-there also some places with a mouse context menu, so don’t forget try the right mouse
-you can change the Level while drag with left mouse down in the Scale, right to the Thermal image
-you can change the Span with the mouse weel inside the scale
That ought to do...

Some Images from my X-Ray device, maybe interesting for somebody.

I don't remember any difference between the iOS and the Android version. They both connected over USB  :-+

You have been busy. :-+

Those x-rays are really useful for me to position ntc resistor right on the middle of the back of the sensor.

Hi Joe_c

Nice work 👍

What X-Ray machine are you using please ?

Best Wishes


Hi  Joe-c,

this are great news  :-+ ( or with unicode 👍 )


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