Products > Thermal Imaging

iRay's flagship models with 1280x1024.. [Infiray Flip PS50 & Yaoguang S1280]

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Been looking at the higher-end models from iRay for some time.

PS50 is a new revision of InfiRays Flip series, a tad more modernized.. with its inbuilt 1200m IR rangefinder and 50mm optic, while on the previous 2022 Flip-flagship PH35+ (CN only) it was attached on the side as a plus-revision to 2021 - Flip PH35.

Flip PS50 & PH35+ side view with specs.. 

System & featurewise, the PS50 are very similar to Flip PH35+, the biggest differences as far as I can tell between the last-generation flagship PH35+ (3Q2022) and the new Flip PS50 seem to be mostly resolution & optic and to an extent pixel pitch which has been reduced 12um' which also can have its drawbacks like increased signal-to-noise ratio( SNR) and inferior dynamic range.
The prices on PS50 went north like they tend to at those resolutions, but still rely on manual focus.

* Flip PS50 1280x1024p (1.3M) - 12μm - 50mm (17.6x9.9) - 50Hz - 5" AMOLED 1280x720 - [2024]
* Flip PH35+ 640x512p  (328k) - 17μm - 35mm (17.8x9.8] - 50Hz - 5" AMOLED 1280x720 - [3Q2022]
* Flip PH35   640x512p (328k) - 20μm - 35mm (21x11.5) - 50Hz  - 5" AMOLED 1280x720 -  [3Q2021]
* Flip PL25   384x288p (110k) - 17μm - 25mm (15x8.4) - 50Hz  -  5" AMOLED 1280x720 -  [3Q2022]
* Take the vertical resolution (p) with a pinch of salt on the FLIP series, as around 30% of your precious pixels seemed to be flushed out with the bathwater (somewhere in China?) as they suited to 16:9 screen, not 4:3.
The IP rating, for the water ingress aspect got a bump from PH35+ "IP66" to PS50 "IP67" and the storage elevated to 128GB on PS50 from 64GB on PH35+
Both still socalled "drop proof/resistant" from a rated 150cm.
The use of AMOLED screens on this FLIP series, is a big plus versus a subpar TFT or IPS LCD screen like the case on most other handhelds, that inky black on these HD (AM)OLED screens makes a huge difference for the contrast, it looks really good..

Anybody taken the plunge?

iRay Yaoguang S1280 (2023)

The problem with spending a sizeable sum of cash on purchasing one of these cameras is support. Put simply, if your precious new expensive toy develops a fault, you can often find yourself being ignored by the companies customer support team :( To buy one of these cameras you have to be able to write off its cost if it fails, and that requires very deep pockets indeed. Repairing budget thermal imaging cameras is often not economic so suppliers may choose to just supply a new camera and this is not a great financial loss to them. When one of these expensive high end models fails, the supplier is faced with the prospect of an expensive repair and is unlikely to want to supply a new unit. All too easily it becomes a “too difficult” situation for CS and communications cease. Good luck chasing a Chinese company for support or repair if they are not inclined to engage with you.

This is why I receive all manner of exotic thermal cameras for repair. The story I hear is common….. nil support from the Chinese manufacturer !


No doubt, when you're up in the 5 digits $ you need some assurance.
and I reckon most industrial segments, not least in the Western world would look at other alternatives than InfiRay as per se, whose renown leaves a lot to be desired., and their support is at times non-existent
I reckon most industrial segments, would look at brands like Flir, Testo, or even Guide which makes some decent products, and from a Chinese company, it seem like they are trying to establish some "service" here at our western latitudes.

I am unsure what is happening with Infiray these days. People who I know were Infiray staff are now saying that they work for another company and Infiray products are being sold by companies who tell me that they have no connection with Infiray. There seems to be an ongoing attempt to hide the Infiray origins of some thermal imaging equipment. All very weird and possibly something to do with the US Sanctions on IRay ? We could see Infiray, as a brand, disappearing in the West ?


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