Thermal Camera specifications and how they effect use for PCB thermography…..
As detailed above, a thermal imaging camera offers the user an insight into the thermal domain of a PCB or piece of equipment. Such insight can greatly aid diagnostics and provides a better understanding of electrical activity within a system. The thermal camera only provides information on thermal energy however and it is for the user to interpret what it shows on its display. This can be easy or challenging to the user, dependant upon experience and the nature of the fault. For a user to be able to interpret the thermal domain of a device under test (DUT) the thermal camera needs to be of adequate performance to both detect and display a thermal anomaly, if present. This post will detail the effect of specifications on a cameras usability for PCB repair work. It is not a discussion of the best camera specifications or best “bang for buck”. That is for the reader to consider. I offer only an insight into the effect of certain specifications on a thermal cameras capabilities.
So on with the specifications of interest to us in PCB thermal profiling and repair……..
I have placed this specification at the top for good reason. It is often used by manufacturers marketing teams to try and impress the potential purchaser of a thermal camera. There is no argument against “more pixels is better” in the world of thermal imaging as cameras generally have relatively low resolution compared to modern visible light digital cameras. The problem is, more pixels = more expensive and the increase in price can be exponential with resolution. Hence this thread discusses what you actually need for PCB work rather than what you think you need or want ? It should really be stated that a very badly designed higher resolution camera may offer poorer imaging performance than a well designed lower resolution camera. There is more to thermal imaging camera performance than purely pixel count.
So what resolutions of thermal imaging camera are common in the marketplace and what are my thoughts on each ? See below:
a) 16x16 pixels (such as the IRISYS Redeye 6)
With only 16 x 16 pixels present on the sensor array, the ability of the camera to resolve much detail on a PCB will be severely limited. The manufacturer will likely employ interpolation to increase the presented image to something more reasonable, such as 128 x 128 pixels. It should be understood that interpolation does not improve the RAW resolution so cannot really pull more detail out of the original data from the sensor array. I personally consider this resolution too low for PCB work as the image provides little to no thermal scene context for interpretation by the user.
b) 32x32 pixels and 49x49 pixels (for example the IRISYS Redeye series)
As stated previously, low resolution thermal sensor arrays can provide a thermal image but they normally lack the detail needed by a user for context within the thermal scene that is a PCB. Whilst 32x32 and 49x49 pixels is significantly better than the lower resolution sensor arrays, it remains too low for many PCB thermal analysis tasks and far better options exist for not a lot more investment by the user.
c) 80x60 pixels (for example the FLIR Lepton 2 core)
In the past, 80x60 pixel sensor arrays were considered a serious entry point into thermal imaging that was actually useful. Interpolation was still employed to make the displayed image more acceptable to the user but in this case the amount of RAW thermal data from the sensor array was adequate for some understanding of the thermal scene and interpretation by the user. The FLIR Lepton 2 was a very popular thermal imaging core that proved 80x60 pixels was a viable resolution for many non-demanding thermal imaging tasks. Such a low resolution is still far from optimum for creating easily interpreted thermal images, but when combined with a visible light camera scene overlay (MSX or Thermal Fusion) the context of the scene became clearer to the user. Sadly the use of a visible light image overlay on such a low resolution sensor array image can be difficult when working on a PCB at close range due to parallax error. There is no doubt in my mind that a 80x60 pixel thermal camera may be used for diagnostics on a PCB, but it is more challenging than when using higher resolution cameras as the exact source of thermal energy is not always obvious. Such low resolution cameras also need a suitable lens system to improve their usefulness in PCB work and this will be discussed later.
d) 96x96 pixels (HikMicro produce such a sensor array)
This resolution is a relatively recent addition to the market and is found in some low cost thermal cameras. It is common for cameras using this sensor array to interpolate the RAW data and state a 240x240 resolution in the specification. This is an old trick from the early days of thermal cameras and if the use of interpolation is not made clear to the user, it is a deceptive practice. Some manufacturers employ both Interpolation and “Super Resolution” to the image presented to the user. It should be understood that true Super Resolution is a technique that makes use of the natural hand shake of the user. It is rendered ineffective if the camera is rigidly mounted on a stand or tripod. Such a camera would then rely on the interpolation image enhancement only. 96x96 pixels is in the same category as 80x60 in my opinion. It can be used fir PCB thermal analysis, but if the super resolution mode is not effective, the displayed image remains relatively low resolution for the user to interpret. Such a camera would certainly be useable for PCB work though.
e) 120x90 pixels (common in many entry level budget cameras that use the Guide Sensmart TIMO imaging core)
Another relatively recent resolution sensor array offers 120x90 pixels and this can produce pretty decent images when interpolation is also applied to the thermal scene data. This resolution is most definitely useable for PCB thermal imaging when searching for thermal anomalies such as previously detailed. Whilst the images will lack fine detail, they are adequate and may be interpreted without too much difficulty. This is especially so if the lens system is suited to PCB work. (Close focus lenses) in my opinion, 120x90 pixels is the lowest resolution that I would recommend for PCB work. It is by no means optimal, but having used it myself with good success, this resolution is worth considering if working to a tight budget.
f) 160x120 pixels (this resolution has been around for many years with many imaging cores available)
The 160x120 pixel resolution is well known to those of us who have been involved in thermal imaging for the past three decades

It used to be the popular “entry point” for microbolometer based thermal imaging systems. This resolution, when used in a well designed camera system, offers decent thermal imaging that is most definitely adequate for PCB repair work. I have used this resolution for PCB repair work many times with reasonable ease. Once again the ease of use is often dictated by the optics of the system as this effects the resolvable detail, as will be discussed later.
g) 256x192 pixels (very common on modern thermal camera releases from Asia)
The 256x192 pixel sensor array is a relatively new release to the market and this is because China started mass production of microbolometer sensor arrays at this resolution. The choice of resolution was likely the result of balancing resolution, resultant die size, production yield and cost. As China has become a powerful influence on the budget thermal imaging equipment marketplace, it is no surprise that 256x192 pixel thermal cameras are now very common. In my opinion, this resolution is an excellent choice for PCB repair work as it appears to provide the best balance of resolution and cost for some very useable thermal imaging. I have no hesitation in recommending a decent 256x192 pixel thermal camera for PCB work. Lens choice must also be considered but this will be covered later.
h) 320x240 pixels (this is a “Standard Resolution” in the thermal imaging industry that has been around for decades)
320x240 pixels is QVGA and has met the demanding needs of Industry, Fire fighters and the military for many years. In recent years we have seen QVGA+ in the form of 336x256 pixels and 400x300 pixels as enhancements on the standard QVGA resolution. At 320x240 pixels the thermal scene is easily interpreted by the user due to the scene detail captured providing good context. This is where the “if you can afford it” recommendation comes in. I personally like to use thermal cameras that are QVGA or better resolution as the imagery is a pleasure to interpret and decent cameras produce crisp, low noise imagery at this resolution. Sadly the increased size of the microbolometer die over a 256x192 pixel microbolometer, combined with lower production numbers, means a QVGA thermal camera may cost significantly more than a 256x192 pixel mass produced model. For PCB thermal analysis, QVGA and QVGA+ is a joy to use but appropriate optics are still required.
i) 640x480 pixels (often thought of as a Gold Standard in thermal imaging and less common due to high cost)
Whilst it is true that 640x480 pixel imaging sensor arrays offer excellent thermal imagery for the user, it often comes at high cost. The relatively low production numbers of the VGA sensor array and associated cameras tends to keep retail prices high. As such, a user needs to determine whether the higher resolution and associated cost is truly justified in their use case. Whilst the military may have good reason to need a VGA sensor array in their long range thermal targeting systems, do you really need such for just PCB repair work ? I would say no. If your budget is such that a VGA PCB thermal analysis camera may be easily purchased, that is great and you will like the imagery that such produces….. provided the optics also suit the task at hand ! More on that later. VGA thermal cameras used to be rare indeed. With advancements in production techniques and die yields the VGA thermal camera is more common these days. It remains a much more expensive camera for the reasons already mentioned but is to be found in thermal CCTV cameras that offer wider fields of view whilst offering similar image detail to that of narrower field of view QVGA models. Bargains can be found on the secondary market but VGA cameras and cores are not something I feel is necessary for most PCB thermal analysis tasks. There will be exceptions however, such as in Science Labs etc, but they are in the minority in the context of this thread.
There are sensor array resolutions higher than 640x480 pixels but I have decided to ignore those here as they are too specialist and expensive for the intended readership of this thread.
SEEK Thermal produce an unusual 200x150 pixel resolution sensor array that is to be found in many of their products and the products of those OEM’s who buy SEEK Thermal cores. That resolution falls between the 160x120 pixel and 256x192 pixel sensor arrays. Given a choice, I would choose the 256x192 pixel sensor array over the SEEK Thermal product.
As a footnote to this post……..
Be wary of products that appear to offer surprising resolution at unusually low cost. For many years there have been manufacturers who will use a low resolution thermal sensor array and apply interpolation to its output so that higher resolution may be claimed in the specifications ! The use of interpolation without it being clearly stated is deception. Some manufacturers also provide the LCD display resolution in the specifications rather than the true thermal sensor resolution in the hope of tricking the buyer. Note that it is normal for a manufacturer to upscale a thermal image to fit a nice high resolution LCD display…. For example a 320x240 pixel thermal image may be upscaled to a 640x480 LCD panel. That is very different to using a 96x96 pixel sensor array and stating a thermal resolution of 240x240 in advertisements ! HikMicro have the ECO range of cameras that do this BUT they make it clear in adverts and specifications that the true sensor array resolution is 96x96 pixels.
Be careful…... If it looks too good to be true, it often is where new thermal imaging equipment is concerned.
It is also worth being a little curious about any thermal camera that has a 1:1 aspect ratio sensor array. Most modern microbolometer arrays have the common 4:3 aspect ratio. Anything different to that may suggest the use of a less common sensor array type or technology. HikMicro are supplying 96x96 pixel arrays for their economy product lines. Their choice of 1:1 aspect ratio is interesting and they must have their reasons for such. The number of dies per wafer could be a factor in their decision.