Hi Chanc3
Yes my life is starting to return to normal so I hope to be able to carry out the odd repair now and then. 2015 was a very bad year for me health wise, but hopefully 2016 will be better.
If you get stuck on the PM cameras solenoid, I will be happy to provide any help that I can. I always have at least one pM series camera dismantled if you need any pictures.
I have been considering doing more thermal camera repair work as it is a niche market. The trouble is the lack of schematics and OEM co-operation. I may still do some small scale repair service though.
With regard to PM series batteries. I have been surprised at their failure rate. They seem to have a very hard life, as second hand ones seem to have virtually no capacity left in them. I have to wonder if FLIR's fast charger is to blame. I have considered building batteries by sandwiching the cell pack between PCB panels as I do not have enough complete batteries.
If you are willing to share some of your batteries, that would be much appreciated.
Best Wishes for 2016