Products > Thermal Imaging

New Thermal Camera related web site and forum

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There is a new Web site and associated forum that will hopefully be of interest to members of the EEVBlog who have in interest in such technology.

The web site and associated forum has been set up by fellow EEVBlog forum member Bill W. A gentleman I know, and for whom I have the greatest of respect.

The web site has much information on the E2V (formerly EEV) thermal cameras used for fire fighting. These cameras are now appearing on the secondary marketplace and can be more affordable than new cameras. They can also offer faster frame rates than the ITAR limited 9fps cameras that are common in Europe.

The sites forum, whilst focussed on Fire fighting cameras, is also a great place to discuss thermal cameras and associated technology in general. It is a place for thermal imaging hobbyists to meet and discuss projects, or ask questions about the technology. If you are thinking of building or restoring a thermal camera, this will hopefully be a great place to come and get comment and advice on such.

The web site links to the forum but the direct URL is here....

I will be visiting the site and forum often in order to read the discussions and assist others where able. In case others have not read Bill's posts on this forum to date. He is a very knowledgeable and friendly person. I thank him for setting up this valuable new information resource and meeting place for like minded enthusiasts.

Thermal cameras, spares and project parts may also be available but it is best to ask in the appropriate area of the forum.

Please support Bill's efforts and join the forum.


Always game for TIC talk. Signed up! Website is a little... dated, but contains all the information required. Any breakdowns of the cameras going to be present?

If he made his forum 3 months ago when EEVblog did not have "Thermal Imaging" subforum I would really happy about it.
But now that we (thermal camera owners) have our own space on EEVblog I see absolutely no need to participate on another forum.

Even here where there is many thousands of users only a few of them is actively participating. Everybody else just reads...
So I would be much happier if users were more active here then on some other forum...

But I do wish him all the best with his forum and I will read it for sure.


--- Quote from: frenky on March 11, 2016, 11:41:05 am ---If he made his forum 3 months ago when EEVblog did not have "Thermal Imaging" subforum I would really happy about it.
But now that we (thermal camera owners) have our own space on EEVblog I see absolutely no need to participate on another forum.

Even here where there is many thousands of users only a few of them is actively participating. Everybody else just reads...
So I would be much happier if users were more active here then on some other forum...

But I do wish him all the best with his forum and I will read it for sure.

--- End quote ---

I think these forums are more aimed at fire-fighters TICs, so I guess if you have one, it would be the best place for support.

Bill W:
Thanks for the comments, yes  Chanc3 the site is content over appearance, one step up from being hand crafted in NotePad ! The camera page content will increase over time as I get all the datasheets and manuals scanned and uploaded / linked and record some videos.  I'll also admit that it is not far off being my C.V.  8)

I decided to run a forum in the site rather than include here to aim it at the second users with a deep folder structure  while 'new stuff' like phone / app cores that are around today do belong here.

I would hope that the sub-forums by camera type those should slowly build into reference documents for each camera as questions of 'how can I fix this' are dealt with.  If there's enough people with the information for some of the other cameras then more forums can appear, I simply started the ones I feel would be readily supported.  By 'readily supported' I mean enough supply of cameras (via eBay etc) for a reasonable number to participate, a float of parts and sub-assemblies as people fix up one from two dead uns, and enough data that can be made available to allow project and repair discussions while also being free of commercial concerns over current products.
The most obvious 'other cameras' are the other Raytheon BST cameras from ISI, ISG, Bullard etc as the cores were the same.  Not sure who could support a Cairns Viper, and not seen many for sale either !



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