Hello everyone!
This topic is about my attempt to develop an opensource high performance and multifunctional thermal camera based on a ISC0901 sensor.
I use thermal imaging to diagnostic malfunctions of different devices under development or repair. Five years ago I have developed a small camera based on FLIR Lepton 2 80x60. It works pretty well, but in fact this is a toy for me, and I was looking for something better. Unfortunately FLIR EX series didn't suit for me too for many reasons, including poor fixed focus lens, a bit inconvenient form factor, price, etc...
I'm also a supporter of opensource projects, but all of them are still based on FLIR Lepton 2/3 products or some other tiny sensors.
Once an Avtoliv NV3 camera module occured in my hands. I've disassembled it and found out that this camera module has a great potential and perfectly suits my new project, because:
1. It is based on very popular ISC0901 336x256 sensor. Popular, because NV3 camera is used on tons of different vehicles till now, you can find this spare part very easily. FLIR EX and ETS320 are based on the same sensor.
2. It is an external shutter based camera. External shutter allows to significially improve the image quality.
3. It has a pretty fast (15mm in dia) telescopic lens! This lens is much better that FLIR EX lens.
4. Pretty nice form factor (60x62mm)
I decided to develop a camera that will be multifuntional and can be used in many different ways and applications:
1. Hand tool, like FLIR EX
2. Stand tool, like ETS320
3. Thermal camera for robotics and UAVs, like FLIR Vue
Supported outputs:
1. 320x240 TFT LCD
2. USB UVC (a common webcam protocol)
3. HDMI 480p/720p (probably even 1080p with Spartan-7 FPGA)
4. AV (NTSC/PAL and many other formats if necessary)
5. Micro SD card (SPI mode + SDIO x4 in future)
6. 3-pin configurable 5V tolerant GPIO to support any low speed interface (UART, SPI, I2C, 1-Wire, PWM, PPM, SBUS...)
1. Standard Li-ion 18350 battery. Battery life is about 3-3.5 hours (with 1100ma battery), depends on number of active outputs, LCD backlight, etc.
(I'm still working on increasing this value, but I think that reaching 4 hours is a good result.)
2. USB charge (<500ma). USB power is enough for continues camera run with all outputs enabled.
3. External power over aux connector 5.0-35.0V (i.e. up to 8S battery) for UAV mode.
Some features:
1. Adjustable motorized focus system (details later).
2. Supports frame rate up to 60fps (details later).
3. Two standard 1/4" metal mounts on the top and bottom.
More photos/videos and detailed stories of each side of this device will be later too.
Repository:Follow this project on GitHub:
https://github.com/OVGN/OpenIRVSome sources are not available right now, but I have plans to publish them a bit later.
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