A ~3000x1000 resolution, fully radiometric, panorama.
1. Stiched RAW images with ICE, output PSD
2. Filled in missing space with Photoshop content aware fill
3. Imagemagick converted image to 8bit scaled PNG.
4. Lightroom noise reduction on said 8bit PNG
5. Imagemagick convert lightroom output back into 16bit RAW PNG
6. Imagemagick convert RAW PNG into FLIR RAW PNG.
7. PHP splitjpg.php to embed FLIR RAW PNG into a FLIR radiometric JPEG.
8. FLIR Tools to add measurements and generate final output.
Noise reduction was necessary as the ~6 degrees C span had a bit of noise.

(non-radiometric preview)
Fully radiometric version, FLIR Radiometric JPEG:
http://puu.sh/kgu8H/b1023306ce.jpgFor those wondering, here is the raw version built straight from raw files without noise reduction (this one has a lower 4 degrees C span):

Still usable, not as nice looking.