Products > Thermal Imaging

Radiometric data - live streaming

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Hi all,

I'm working on a student project that involves fire detection from a drone. We were looking into some thermal cameras that we can use but we ran into one big problem - most cameras cannot stream their radiometric data in real time, it is saved on an on-board USB. I was wondering if any of you are familiar with small thermal cameras that can stream thermal data in real time? ( and under ~$3,000)
the other option is just to use image processing to the grey-scale image, but i think that will be much more complicated..

Thanks in advance

There was a thread some time back where we did this with the Flir E4 but that involved a hack to libusb library in Linux. Search for "radiometric streaming" and you should find it. At the time that was only worked in Linux because the hack could not be applied to Windows version of libusb.

Thanks, yeah, I saw that thread..
I was wondering if maybe theres a hack that can be applied to a smaller camera like the Vue or Duo (for a drone)  :-\

A possible solution would be to use a camera with a gigE/network port. You could then create a wireless bridge. Would work with some FLIR cameras.

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Bill W:
It will be a challenge, as radiometric data is going to be around 20x the volume as image data.
(Radiometric 16 bits uncompressed, 'video' jpg 8 bit Y and colour at only 1/4 resolution )
Do you need the whole range of data ?  I'm thinking a custom colour lookup table might do the job if all you need is >20, >25, >30, >50 or similar.



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