Products > Thermal Imaging
Scope for my phone
It's me again.
You might think I am crazy and should just let go off the idea. But I am 18 now and able to contact some people on my own.
I reached out to TPLogic and wanted to know if their T12 scopes would work with my phone's Lepton.
My phone is a CAT S60. It has a 80x60 Lepton embedded, it is covered by a window/lens made of something I can't identify, my guess it something silicon based.
After a little conversation I got pictures of tiny unit that they use for their T12 Lepton based rifle scope imagers. It would work as an afocal adapter with a magnification of 3x or 4x. Given my 3D printer, I would desing and print a mounting solution myself.
I got a drawing now which I will use for my CAD work. I want to print a test piece to check the fov - which I am going to do either this evening or Thursday.
I will try to contact CAT and Bullit(they build the phone) again to get details on the phone size, and especially the type, size and material they used to cover the sensor.
I am posting here to get some feedback. I have only seen a single telephoto mod for the Lepton on a Flir One by Boris. There were several macro lenses made for seek thermal smartphone dongle and some crazy experiments with ultra close macro and even a telescope for ThermApp by Ultrapurple.
My questions are:
Is this going to work?
Why not?
Would it be cheaper to buy a ZnSe lens and build the entire scope myself?
Has anyone any experience while attempting something similar, that he or she would like to share?
I will attach a few of the pictures I got in a reply.
one image
I suggest you change the word "scope" to "telescope" in the thread title. By nature of this forum, I thought "scope" meant "oscilloscope" because I didn't pay attention to the category you posted in :)
well, a "telescope" is usually a term used in astronomy. Even though most of them just say scope.
My final goal is astrophotography(mainly Lunar Experiments).
I could write telephoto lens - but it isn't exactly telephoto as far as I understood it.
so "scope" in terms of a rifle scope it is. Because this is where the part originated from.
and a oscilloscope based on a phone would be quite uncommon.
not wanting to add fuel a non-exisitent argument, but 'your scope' is still short for telescope/telescopic. In an EE forum, oscilloscope will always be the default understanding for the word scope, and any other usage for 'scope' should probably be qualified at least once. Since you can now get cheap nano oscilloscopes running out of an MP3 player enclosure these days, it will only be a matter of time. Lets face it, with a USB type connector, probably quite doable to a crap level.
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