were you able to do a comparison if the Q1 have a "wider" or better response than FLIR E-series? even though it is spec stated to a lower temp? i have a modded E4, but im not sure how to get this statistic.
My E4 is currently not usable, I work on a additional µC and Case to get it working again... a long story, I maybe tell later.
but to your question... I guess the TE shows a higher Value than the E4 in my statistic, but the image quality of the E4 is better.
Flir use a good implementation of a bilateral Filter on the hardware of the Camera. this cause a more smooth image, but less tiny details... and so a lower value in statistic.
To see a Statistic for your Images... download the Thermovision Program (you need the FE Version), extract it and start it. Drag & Drop one of your Flir images. if you see it, go to the Histogram on the right side and click on "Statistic"
back to tropic... has somebody a pro version of the Seek? have they any plans to provide something like a radiometric image or dataset?
as far as I know, there is no Seek camera with a original way to produce "analyzable" images.