Products > Thermal Imaging

Seek Thermal has a development program!


You have to apply to get in it, but if you are accepted, you will get an SDK, and full support from the company on using the SDK. This would mean anybody could make an app for the Seek thermal cameras, even getting access to the raw data (rather than the standard JPEG saved image, which contains no raw/radiometric data). I got this info about the existence of an SDK, when I emailed them asking if they had an SDK. They even sent me a link to apply at for the deveolopper program. The link does not work though, but that may simply be because I didn't use it back when I emailed them about it (which was about a month ago) and the development program is now closed, or it may be that they accidentally sent me a broken link (which is why just now I sent them an email letting them know the link was broken).

I don't know if anybody here knew about the development program, before me posting this thread here, but if you did, and you wrote some apps using the SDK, you should post some of them here. I plan to buy a Seek Compact Pro (probably within the next month) and I'd like to see what apps you guys have come out with, and try them out when I buy my Seek Compact Pro.

I don't think the SDK has ever actually been available unfortunately. At least based on this support question it looks like it's still not available:

If they replied to you about the SDK maybe they're planning on finally finishing it.


--- Quote from: paradigmic on June 18, 2017, 06:12:35 am ---I don't think the SDK has ever actually been available unfortunately. At least based on this support question it looks like it's still not available:

If they replied to you about the SDK maybe they're planning on finally finishing it.

--- End quote ---

You are right, it is not available for download directly from their website, and probably never will be. What I said they told me is that you need to apply to get it. That is, you need to fill out an online form to join the "developer program", and then wait for them to reply and you whether or not you have been accepted into the "developer program". One of the perks of joining that group of people is that they will send you and SDK (possibly a link over the email, or it might be on a CD or DVD, they weren't very specific). I think most people expect it to be available from their website  (which it's not), but as far as I can tell, it's available right now (not some point in the future). It's it's just that it's only available to to people who have filled out the form, and have been accepted by Seek to join this small select group of people that they called the "developer program". These will be the people who will get access to the SDK. Note, this doesn't mean they will hire you as a Seek employee, just that you will be one of the few people who gets a copy of the SDK.

To get to the online form, you need to go to the link I posted in my opening post. However, as you will see, it says the page can't be found. Since my email conversation with them a month ago (when they gave me the link), it's possible that so much time has passed, that all those who will be chosen already have been, and they shut down the online form (hence why it gives you a page not found error). Or it could be it hasn't even been put up yet. Or it could be that they just sent me the wrong link by accident. I don't know. All I know is I wish I had tried to sign up earlier. I wasn't sure I wanted to sign up at the time, but now a month later I decided I want to sign up, but the link doesn't work (and I don't know if it ever did). I've sent a reply to the email that had the link, telling them it doesn't work. I hope they will reply and either send me a working link, or tell me a reason it doesn't work (like if the applications for the "developer program" are now closed).

I'm surprised that more people didn't email them asking about the SDK (and find out about the "developer program"), like I did. Why did so many people just assume that that there was no SDK? I bet a LOT of people would have applied (assuming the link they sent even worked) and been posting it on this site, if they had only thought to email Seek asking about the SDK, and found out what I found out about it.


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