Dear All,
thank you to this forum, I succeed to update my E40 1.0 by resolution up and noise down; my firmware is 5.3.0 (latest) and SN is 645xxx (my camera is with MSX).
To do so, I was only working on config.cfg file inside folder FlashFS\system\appcore.d\config.d;
I did a full backup by Wi-Fi connection, I changed the lines in the file about resolution and noise, according to post information, I recalculated new CRC with posted CRC01.exe and everything is working fine.
Considering nice success at first time

, I'd like to add some more function which is specifically for E60 (I think) and described in the owner manual; like, for example, condensation or insulation alarm or several other which seems miss in my E40.
Is there any possibility to do it just again working on my config file, or I need some additional file change or other things?
I saw some post about fully replacing original config file with E60 config file (of course updating SN and CRC), but I'm not sure I can do with my firmware and camera version and cannot understand clearly if additional step are necessary.
May please someone help me?
thank you again for all effort on pushing our thermocamera to its real technical limit!