Products > Thermal Imaging

Thermal Camera Guide PC210 - New but just Chinese language


I got a new thermal camera PC210 a few days ago, but it only has Chinese language on the OSD menu. the seller cannot help me and says that I should buy another camera with multi language OSD.  Of course, this was not written anywhere on the online store. I definitely didn't expect someone to sell a device to Europe with only the Chinese language.
Do you have any solution or what would you do self? If you know someone in Europe who could solve this problem for a fee, I recommend it.
Regards, Roman


It sounds like contacting Guide directly for help may be an option. Otherwise, try reaching out to a local dealer.

The Chinese language version of the PC210 is sold at a lower price in China and the Multi-language export model uses a different firmware. A Chinese language model can be hard to convert to another language. Using an incorrect firmware on these cameras has a history of bricking the unit, so experimentation with other firmware versions carries a very real risk. Guide are unlikely to be very helpful and will almost certainly want a payment for supplying the multi-language version of the firmware. Chinese manufacturers will often not support “China domestic market only” models outside China as they should not have been exported.

This is another example of how a piece of electronics can come in two versions….China domestic market only (Lower price) and China Export (Higher price).



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