Hi everyone!
I'm very glad to announce, with your help, now my Thermal eye 2620AS is officially alive
Screenshot first, I record clips using Philips PMC7230, then take a frame shot on PC using VLC, unedited:
The first one is a normal frame with lens cover on, I heard A-Si is noisier than VoX, but this camera is amazingly clean.
The second picture is a clock on the wall.
The third picture is a heater,
note the red arrow, it point to a circle area that's not normal, it appears brighter than normal when looking at a cold object, and appear darker when looking at a hot object, it does not move when lens turning. It was a big dust on the sensor surface, I fixed it easily.
I just added the fourth photo, that's the boot screen
I saw other people's thermal eye 2620AS have a temperature indicator, but mine havn't... Link:
http://www.rtftechnologies.org/general/thermal-imager-L3-thermal-eye-2500AS-2620AS.htmlThe focus distance is pretty long, it can barely focus closer than about 3 meters, with the adjust of the lens of course.
Edit: confirmed this in the Manual.
I also noticed the high volt line can work on a normal 5v USB, much lower than the supposed 8v, but I have no luck to make it work on a Li-ion battery.
I wonder if I can adjust the minimal span temperature to get more detail, I cannot find that info in manual.
I really appreciate all your help!