Products > Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging Gallery

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As the title suggest show us your thermal images. Subject can be anything (nature, architecture, electronics...)

At the beginning of the post write some info like this:

Subject: Birds
Camera: Therm-App
Lens: 19mm f/1.0
Image manipulation: stacking/panorama/none/other
Camera mods: ZnSe 100mm lens/pano head

Of course you don't have to write down all the details, but if you do it will be more educational to others.

For start...  ;)

Subject: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Camera: ThermalExpert Q1
Lens: 13mm f/1.0

Subject: My lovely wife
Camera: ThermalExpert Q1
Lens: 13mm f/1.0

Come on guys I'm sure you have lots of great photos on your computer... ;)

Bill W:
Subject: Flly me to the moon (Moon and aircraft)
Camera ULIS 25um / 320x240
Lens 46mm f/1.0

Image upscaled to 640x480 on PC

Subject: Hot water heater
Camera: Seek Thermal on windows 10 (Thermovison
Lens: Seek fixed
Image manipulation: crop, resize
Camera mods: External protection, tablet pivot mount


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