A little off-topic so advance apologies to the OP of this thread.
I see a name from the EEVBlog forum past mentioned here…… “Clean-Unbox” and his Discord. Is anyone here a member of that Discord who can describe what it’s purpose is ? Is it just a path for Clean-Unbox to sell Infiray Cameras or is there useful discussion of Infiray cameras and 3rd party software taking place ? It was a pity that Clean-Unbox was banned from this forum during the great “Infiray Purge” as he might have been a good contributor to Infiray discussions. He appears to be quite closely linked to Infiray and its products despite living in far off Peru ! Does he ban anyone who is negative about Infiray products ? If so, that is a pity as all products need balanced commentary to assist potential buyers in making a purchase decision. No product is perfect.
Again, sorry to go off-topic but Clean Unbox rarely gets a mention on this forum and my question is not worthy of a new thread to itself.
Well, you're correct about that CleanUnbox and RuneHansen use discord to sell also. Sure, there are chatting allowed and some offtopics, but both have dedicated infiray threads.
In case of RuneHansen it's his software from windows store. In case of CleanUnbox it's infiray from aliexpress.
Method is pretty simple (CleanUnbox):
* you do an order via referal link
* don't pay it (he says it clearly, "keep unpaid")
* ping CleanUnbox
* he contact infiray
* you getting additional discount
* you pay your order
About the bans.. well, RuneHansen must justify what was stolen and how. CleanUnbox.. idk guess he need to justify nothing cause he aren't there. Guess he was raging because of 2 reasons:
* because of "x2 guy" (me writing about issues i have)
* because of linking eevblog forum which he explicitly told be not to ref.
So, RuneHansen, what was stolen?