I thought the seek did not have a shutter.
The TE has no shutter, but the Seek has. but it's a bad plastic shutter directly over the sensor. and the shutter rises pretty often (3-8 Seconds, depended from camera run time and warm-up).
After roughly 2-3 minutes all the readings become quite stable, altough the wall temperature still goes down a bit until the end. That might actually be true because one window in the room was partially open and it was in the evening so the wall may have cooled down a bit?
sounds true. I have the same problem with my wall.
I have to work on a stable temperature field... later.
I had a idea to compensate the warmup... just use a offset table.
I point the cold camera to the wall and start recording. I grab the raw device temperature and the frame avr (mean of all pixels).
this was stored in a WDC file (warmup drift correction).
then I use the raw value after warmup as reference and calculate the difference to all points before.
after connecting the cold seek again, this file was used to calculate a offset for each raw value in relation to the device raw value.
the results look interesting. but it works only if the camera is in a "calibrated temperature range".
and I use the normal mode, as you can see on the shutter drifts.
additional here is a graph from the TE. I made 2 times a 2 point map calibration, this is why the raw avr value has some break outs.
maybe I should faster think about a temperature stable calibration field to record the raw drift while the camera warm up to get a more accurate curve.
btw... thanks for your code sample mahony, I will look on it next time.