Products > Thermal Imaging

TOPDON TS001/TC001 Camera - a refactored Python program for Windows



Hello everyone! This is my first second ever post on this forum ;D. I'm an undergrad CS major and am currently doing a personal project involving using TOPDON thermal imaging sensors.

I currently have a TS001 and attempted to use the "PyThermalCam" script written by Les Wright on this forum (original post: to simply test the camera out. Unfortunately, it did not quite work with my system (Windows 11, Python 3.12.4) and there were numerous errors even getting it to open. I figured out the solution(s) through tweaking the code and removing certain drivers, but while doing so thought I just might as well continue where Les left off and hopefully help others in the process.
I have forked, refactored, and overall cleaned up the program. It is now much more readable, largely follows OOP principles, and is pretty modular. It practically constitutes as a rewrite. I am still in the process of refactoring, and there are absolutely still issues (specifically with the sensor temperature calculation), but the overall functionality of the program works and I was able to test out my TS001.

This fork is specifically designed to work for the TS001 on Windows with newer versions of Python and OpenCV; however, it hypothetically should work with TC001 and Linux too. I will be actively updating this repo with changes, fixes, and additions over the next few days/weeks. I have also documented the issues/hurdles I overcame during the process of figuring this out (like, for example, how the "official" TOPDON drivers make the camera no longer show up as UVC-compatible).

Anyways, I hope it helps someone struggling like I was for a while. Cheers, all!

GitHub Repo:

P.S. This is one of my first ever "major" open source contributions, so constructive criticism is welcome.


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