OK, for those who wish to follow along with other techies thought processes, here are my thoughts on the challenge of providing a replacement remote controller for mt NightSight 200. I have zero knowledge of the original remote controller, beyond some pictures of it. I am approaching this problem from the standpoint of a designer wishing to achieve an objective in a manner that is both simple and low cost to the company. I am in my mid 50's so was designing electronics in the 1990's when this unit was designed. This helps me to think in 1990's electronic component 'mode' rather than in the modern world of inexpensive Atmel microcontrollers that abound in modern electronic designs ! Back in the 1990's microcontrollers were not so cheap !
So lets lay down the known facts of the situation to set the scene......
1. The NightSight 200D is a pan and tilt camera system that provides bearing indication to the operator via the display.
2. There are limited options for the thermal scene. These are: White Hot, Black Hot and focus.
3. The Pan Tilt head has x and y axis of movement plus the ability to scan a preset range of bearings.
4. A windscreen wiper assembly is present on the camera head to clean the IR window.
5. The NightSight 200 will only operate with its dedicated remote controller that provides a X-Y joystick plus push buttons.
6. The NightSight 200 cannot be controlled from a PC (this is an important piece of information taken from an FAQ document)
7. There are a limited number of wires between the remote controller and the NightSight 200 head (via the Monitor) A 5 pin DIN plug is used
8. Continuity tests revealed that there are only three unidentified wires coming from the NightSight 200 head to the Monitor connector.
9. The remote control connects to the Monitor unit and not directly to the Head assembly.
10. Main Power for the Head assembly is fed to it on a dedicated cable and connector and is not part of the monitor or remote controller.
11. The Pan Tilt function of the NightSight 200 is dual speed, but not continuously variable speed.
So there we have some facts that I collected together using various data sources on the Internet, including test reports, FAQ's and the limited manufacturers data that is available. I was fortunate enough to find some decent images of the original remote controller unit so can identify the functionality. Pictures attached. From the remote controller images I can identify the following functions:
1. On/Off rocker button
2. +/- Rocker button (Likely for focus)
3. Up Arrow button (possible a "return to Home position - forward looking" button)
4. Left right sweep arrows - Auto scan mode where camera head continuously sweeps across a pre set bearing range.
5. 50:50 Black & White circle - Black Hot and White Hot display selection.
6. Windscreen wiper symbol - IR window wiper activation to clear debris, rain or snow.
7. X & Y movement joystick - Pan & Tilt control. Whether switches or potentiometers are used is not known. Pan & Tilt has 2 speeds of movement.
8. The buttons on the remote controller appear to be backlit translucent types.
9. The remote controller uses a 5 pin DIN plug to connect to the Monitor.
Thinking about remote control from the 1990's designers perspective for a minute........
1. Is pc control of the NightSight required ? - NO
2. Is cost of materials important ? - This is a value commercial product so YES, the BoM is important.
3. Is it justifiable to include a microprocessor/microcontroller and associated support components in the remote controller ? There is already a microprocessor system within the base of the pan tilt head so an additional microprocessor/microcontroller for a relatively few button functions is not justified in this case. As no PC control is required, there is no need for a RS232/RS422/RS485 link for remote control.
4. The KISS principal applies to provide low BoM and reliability in the field.
You will see from the above that no PC control was provided on the NightSight 200 because it was intended to be deployed as a self contained solution with the operator watching a monitor and using a dedicated remote controller. no complications of PC control or associated software were desired. This is a very important factor for me as it removed the likelihood of a complex data communications link between the remote controller and the pan Tilt camera head. Flir cameras of a similar nature do contain an RS232/RS485/ethernet link as they provide the user with a sophisticated controller and the option for pc control of the head assembly. The FLIR remote controllers are both complex and expensive to produce as a result. Even my PM5xx/6xx series cameras used remote controllers that contained a microprocessor for RS232 communications with the camera as the camera offered that data link for control in its standard design. Thankfully the NightSight appears to be a simpler design.
To achieve the desired remote control functionality, I would be able to create a simple resistor network keypad for the buttons on the remote controller, just as is common these days when connecting keypads to Arduino's etc ! Button presses would present differing voltages to the remote control line to the head unit and the voltage would be converted in a ADC to a format that could be understood by the Microprocessor control system within the Pan & Tilt head unit. The microprocessor could then command functions in the thermal imaging core or Pan & Tilt head assembly. That covers the button functions, but what about the X & Y joystick function ? There would be the option to use a microswitch type joystick with dual position switches in each direction to provide dual speed of Pan & tilt movement. A resistor network, similar to that of the button functions could be used to send the joystick position to the Pan & Tilt head units position microprocessor via an ADC. If a potentiometer type joystick were used, the varying voltage coming off the X & Y wiper contact could be converted by an ADC in the Pan & Tilt head and the produced output values interpreted by the Pan & Tilt control microprocessor program.
So could one ADC be used to read the buttons and the Joystick position ? Hmmm, good question. In theory, yes, but much depends upon the type of joystick used....switched (digital on/off) or Potentiometer (analogue - variable). There are three unidentified wires on the monitor cable of the Pan & Tilt head. It would be possible to use one for the buttons, one for the X axis and one for the Y axis. Such would require the use of three ADC's though. It has yet to be established if there are control related ADC's on the NightSight 200 head, and if so, how many.
There will also be a 0V and +Ve power feed to the remote controller to provide bias voltages and the supply to the button backlight LED's, if fitted.
Well there we have it. My current thoughts on the remote controller for the Nightsight 200 unit.
I attach pictures of an original remote controller sold in an auction and an image of the Controller PCB housed within the base of the Pan & Tilt Head. There is certainly plenty of electronics in that base PCB ! Note that this PCB likely detects the heads position and creates the video overlays for the displayed image on the monitor as well as control of the head unit.