Products > Thermal Imaging

Vevor SC240N / TopDon TC004 / InfiRay C200 / Hisilicon HI3516DV300

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Allright, after some ... annoying discussions with Infiray, and a stuck boot C200, i was able to install a Frankestein firmware based on a TC005, my device is working nice today and even better ... coming from a Chinese only device i now have a fully international device.

Infiray asked me 100€ to provide me with an international firmware while my device was Chinese only.... what a bunch of scammer.


--- Quote from: cat99 on December 06, 2023, 06:58:42 am ---Does anyone know if there is a trick to updating the firmware on a unit that is running an older firmware?

I bought a topdon tc004 recently, when comparing it to videos online, my device is missing the "usb mode" menu entry, always running in mass storage mode.
The device is running firmware 1.2.1(1110), which seems older than the 1.4.x most people are running.
I tried updating to the current but have not been able to get it to work.

--- End quote ---

On the software page
I see two versions. On for devices with four digits (V1.4.7.9) and one for devices with three digits (V1.2.7).

It seems you tried to put a 4 digit on a 3 digit.
Interestingly their version numbers without dots are reversed,
4 digits with dots = 3 digit number, 3 digits with dots = 4 digit number, as highlighted in your post.  :palm:


--- Quote from: Gridstop on December 03, 2023, 04:41:27 pm ---If anybody has used one of those 18mm CO2 laser lenses with it (such as the 3D print tsys posted on the first page) what focal length did you use? I'm not  sure if it's as simple as 'use a 5cm FL to get a 5cm minimum focal length' since I have no idea what optics are inside the camera otherwise. And the lenses are $25 each or so, so I'd prefer not to guess several times.

--- End quote ---

In this post, jairbj said they used a 20 mm diameter, 50.8mm focal length lens:


--- Quote from: bap2703 on January 15, 2024, 05:25:44 pm ---
--- Quote from: cat99 on December 06, 2023, 06:58:42 am ---Does anyone know if there is a trick to updating the firmware on a unit that is running an older firmware?

I bought a topdon tc004 recently, when comparing it to videos online, my device is missing the "usb mode" menu entry, always running in mass storage mode.
The device is running firmware 1.2.1(1110), which seems older than the 1.4.x most people are running.
I tried updating to the current but have not been able to get it to work.

--- End quote ---

On the software page
I see two versions. On for devices with four digits (V1.4.7.9) and one for devices with three digits (V1.2.7).

It seems you tried to put a 4 digit on a 3 digit.
Interestingly their version numbers without dots are reversed,
4 digits with dots = 3 digit number, 3 digits with dots = 4 digit number, as highlighted in your post.  :palm:

--- End quote ---

Interesting, I checked to confirm none of the 3-digit vs 4-digit info was on that page last time I checked it.
A friend of mine who has the same device emailed Topdon asking about this and they replied saying units that run four-digit firmwares are the old hardware revision, three-digit firmwares are for the newer hardware revision.

I just installed 1.2.7 and it still doesn't have a "usb mode" to toggle between mass storage mode and webcam mode.

However after updating it I ran cheese (webcam tester) and was able to get video from the camera for around 5 seconds or so before it glitched out, which is encouraging, so maybe it just appears both as a mass storage device and a slightly non-standard webcam at the same time on these "newer" hardware revision models.

There is also a "super-resolution" option now, I looked at it briefly it appears to try and remove some of the macroblock style artifacts, and may be doing a sharpening filter of some sort.
Still images using "super-resolution" do generally look more asthetically appealing, I can't tell yet if it's a net positive when looking at the live video.


--- Quote from: brc on January 24, 2024, 06:50:11 am ---In this post, jairbj said they used a 20 mm diameter, 50.8mm focal length lens:

--- End quote --- mentions using an 18 mm lens. Here's one option:


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