Link to app:
It doesn't support my Nvidia Shield, but it does support my wife's S4, So I guess she will have to go to work without her phone 
I'm not Nvidia Shield user yet, but found something like this and it looks like in the case of ethernet adapter connection order matters?"Plug in the Charging Cable first (the controller brick and cable that came with your SHIELD are recommended).
Then plug in the USB to Ethernet Adapter"
Maybe something similar with this
"Shit Thermal" 
Just tried installing and it says "This app is not available in your country".
I do not know how this Google Play works but maybe they detect someones IP WHEN you download app and modify somehow this
apk on the fly? So they let you download this, but then during instalation they display this stupid country message?
It could be interesting if someone from US made checksum eg. MD5 on this instalation file and compare it with MD5's of file taken from UK..
I know nothing about Android - is it be possible for someone in the US to download it to a file that I could install outside of the Google Play store?
For example this VPN can teleport you to US with speed of light easy

I've used it for a few years, while I do not like stupid marketing spam targeted to my country users, so by choosing UK or US IP Google thinks I'm in UK or US, while I can be everywhere

Another interesting test could be powering down home router and disable internet connection during instalation of this
Shit Thermal apk?
If I had one I'd also turn on TCP/IP network scanner analyser and save logs from time when you try install this
bullshit apk than see if it contacts with external servers during this instalation.
Maybe they try to guess your country based on IP during instalation too?
BTW: Hopefully it looks like $15 IR thermometer in custom DIY will let me examine and map temperatures I'm interested in easy.
Today this gadget word is one big bullshit and
Shit Thermal is another example

I will connect customized $15 IR thermometer to Nvidia Shield and they will not tell me what to buy to use their product...